Smart presets

Does 'audio output' include the ability to switch the subwoofer out on or off for each preset?

Specifically, could I have one preset which sends audio out over the three RCAS (left, right and sub) with EQ for my speakers and room, and another preset set the output to digital out only (no sub) to go to my DAC/HP amp, with EQ set for my headphones?

Please and thank you.
Not as yet, but like all things, I’m sure WiiM would consider adding sub control as an option. I’m waiting on an updated beta to see what they’ve added from the first - I had specifically requested volume limit, for example, and I’d imagine other beta testers may have requested other items.
I was just fishing around on here looking for a way to ask for shuffle on playlist presets, and here it is, first post on the forum, and already in beta! :)
Not as yet, but like all things, I’m sure WiiM would consider adding sub control as an option. I’m waiting on an updated beta to see what they’ve added from the first - I had specifically requested volume limit, for example, and I’d imagine other beta testers may have requested other items.
Seems to me to be the most glaringly obvious bit of missing functionality for what is trying to be a serious piece of kit - the simple ability to switch between line/speaker out with sub and room eq and headphone out with no sub and headphone specific eq (or worst case no eq). Even better would be to have "presets" for audio out configuration. Smart presets conflates this simple configuration with the input configuration and the music selection. Please Wiim, nail the basics first.