Sound quality question


Active member
Jun 2, 2023
Has anyone noticed a difference with Amazon Unlimited using the WHA or Alexa to stream directly from the Amazon app? Sometimes I feel the Amazon sounds better but others, the WHA seems better. Curious as to your findings.
Of course, this is all subjective.
I dîd some test when had AM subscription and didn't ear differences.
Remember, to catch subtle differences, if any, you should arrange a setup where change instantly sources playing the same synchronized song. Otherwise, time spent to stop, change, resync and play, would affect the perception.
In the case you mentioned, I hardly believe in differences, since the stream doesn't pass through the apps but is coming from Amazon servers. In that cases, apps are controls only.
That said, anything could be in this world, did you set on both HD switches, needed for?
Can’t think of a reason why if you have both hd/uhd switches on in the appropriate settings in the Wiim home app and amazon music app settings, and the same resolution is displayed in the Wiim home app now playing screen.
That's what I thought, I just "felt" that there may have been an ever-so-slight difference. Settings in both apps are identical.

As merifon said, unless I can do a true A/B test, any difference I think I hear is most likely perception.

Thanks to you both for the replies.
The two switches i was referring, are both in wiim app:
1: Device >Amazon Alexa settings >Amazon music HD/UHD on
2: Browse >Amazon music >settings > Amazon music HD/UHD on
Setting the streaming quality in the amazon music app too might do no harm either - not sure if it has an impact or not when casting (probably not) but it’s better to tick all available boxes :)
The two switches i was referring, are both in wiim app:
1: Device >Amazon Alexa settings >Amazon music HD/UHD on
2: Browse >Amazon music >settings > Amazon music HD/UHD on
Oh, I misunderstood but, yes, they are all on HD/UHD.