Speaker cables


New member
Jan 1, 2025
Hello everyone,
Is it good idea to replace the original speaker câbles supplied with the WIIM amp ?
Which model is compatible ?
Thanks in advance,
I don't believe the WiiM Amp comes with speaker cables, and the supplied optical and RCA leads (in the main) have been found to be of sufficient quality for many people.
No speaker cables included, neither with my WiiM Amp nor my WiiM Amp Pro.

Use cables of appropriate cross section, which depends on the length. Too much cannot hurt. Low electrical resistance is potentially more important with 4 ohm speakers than with 8 ohm speakers.

Make sure to not buy CCA (copper clad aluminium) cables, but pure copper cables. Soldered or crimped connectors (banana plugs or spades) are better than those that are only screwed on.
Ideally, the connectors should not contain ferrous material. Unfortunately, you can only test that when you hold the cables in your own hands. :)