Spotify is no longer what it was 10 years ago. With artificial ghost artists and ghost playlists, the company is saving millions in royalties. Spotify has developed a system that destroys smaller artists - even if I listen to these small ones, the money goes to the big ones. In the long run, it destroys creativity and I think that's already noticeable today. Take the time to do some research into their machinations.
Regardless of this, I really have to say that their app is now atrocious. I'm not 12 years old, spare me all this social media, TikTok, Ki crap. When I open their app, I now feel harassed. Yes, I let myself get carried away over Christmas and tested it again for three months via a homecoming offer. Horrible, highly disappointed.
I was right to test all the other providers a few years ago. I couldn't care less about Spotify - and paying more for it? I'll stick with Tidal, at most Qobuz could be an alternative if Connect is implemented.