Ultra "Transport"?

When they release these so called high resolution loseless I was excited which I thought would be wow factor like going from vhs to Blu-ray. I was not floored with joy. They sound little better if any because many of these songs were just upsampled. In fact they sound lack the excitement you get from vinyl. If they were recorded natively on recording studio via 24/192 then that’s different.
True. Qobuz often offers several masterings.
WiiM still is a very young company with a fulminant and successful start. My very personal opinion about developing things is: A bit too fast and too ambitious.
Please never tell programmers they are going to fast or too ambitious.. I work with programmers every day and encouragement and a lot of cheerleading is what they seem to respond to the most.

That's just my two cents. I would definitely take this approach over the Sonos approach which is don't make a new release except once every 15 years and then really screw it up when you do it.

It's maybe not for everyone but my preference is aggressive releases with quick fixes to any bugs in order to get to a stable version as quickly as possible with as many use cases handled by the community.

But again I agree it isn't for everyone's taste.

Finally I found a streamer-transport what meets my preferences. Wish WiiM would have built it.
  • Roon certified.
  • Qobuz.
  • USB out.
  • no internal DAC.
  • no screen.
  • not USB powered.
  • below 1.000 €.
At least it has an "Ultra" in its name 😉
You can do all of that with the WiiM Ultra, just don't use the DAC or screen and you can have that product for far less than 1.000 €, it's about 1/3 of that price :)
Why buying a device when I know from the very beginning it has features I never ever will use because all this features are for sure better done with my existing gear? It is enough that my smartphone has features I never will touch. But in fact it isn't possible to get others, in HiFi there is a choice 😉 May be it reads arrogant, but in such price ranges its not necessary for me to look after every €.
But: I have absolutely no intention to either discuss my gear, my personal decisions and my approach to the hobby or to justify how I spend my money. Such debates nearly always end in turmoil and bad blood.
How you spend your money is only between you and your wallet :sneaky: It doesn't read arrogant, but what you're asking for doesn't seem to be what WiiM is about making, but who knows, they do seem to listen to their customers :unsure:
Wiim is company that want everything in one box. There were request about digital streamer transport only like ifi stream but never materialized. Digital transport are minority and would only sell few of them and not worth to put r&d on them.
As their visibility improves and they become a larger company, maybe such a niche product will appear. Who knows.

Right now, I don't think they are out of the period of acquiring as many customers as possible. In the past, Huawei moved to a luxury brand at some stage. I think it is possible that WiiM will follow a similar path in time.
I remember times when an idea for a pure transport with ethernet, USB out, no DAC appeared here first. Big head shaking! Over the time this idea came back again and again. It was of course an idea only. Up till now WiiM seems to have no intention to build it. Thats absolutely ok. But be assured the market for such a device exists. Even here are so much users with existing higher priced stuff (like you @Smartplug with your not cheap DACs) looking for what I would call WiiM's Missing Link 😉
I do not blame WiiM not to do so, but from lets call it old relationship I would like it. Thats it.
What makes me disconnect my external dac was that I have to turn it on separate remote which not my liking. I don’t like my device being on when not in use. I have the ultra connected on amp with 12v trigger so just one remote. Does the external dac sound better than ultra? Yes but using other remote is cumbersome to me. I know I’m lazy even clicking a remote! 😆