Ultra "Transport"?

Bill Mac

Active member
May 12, 2023
It would be great if WiiM offered an Ultra "Transport" without a DAC, analog input/outputs and phono input. Add an additional USB port (input and output) and HDMI output like the Eversolo DMP-A6. Many use WiiM streamers with external DACs so it seems like a good option. I think it would be a very popular addition to the WiiM lineup. Just a thought :).
Many already ask this product but wiim want everything in one box. Each of their product has dac and more connections as you go up in ladder. Ultra has high quality dac that can deliver high quality sound.
A transport…with a fully working chromecast function, key differentiator between WiiM products and others.
Finally I found a streamer-transport what meets my preferences. Wish WiiM would have built it.
  • Roon certified.
  • Qobuz.
  • USB out.
  • no internal DAC.
  • no screen.
  • not USB powered.
  • below 1.000 €.
At least it has an "Ultra" in its name 😉

That decontented product should cost far less than the current Ultra… it would dominate the stream market.

It should be powered by an external upgradable power supply.
WiiM products are for masses not for niches. So far, but I doubt it's gonna change.
WiiM products are for masses not for niches. So far, but I doubt it's gonna change.
Actually as streamers they are used by many with high end systems. To many their Chromecast feature is a major advantage.
You think I do not know that? 😀
No idea, but if so then I don't understand your previous comment. You think I do not know that there are high end users interested in pure digital transports? :)
No idea, but if so then I don't understand your previous comment. You think I do not know that there are high end users interested in pure digital transports? :)
Of course you do. I wrote that for the record.
High end users which I know do not use WiiMs. They do not use streaming services because the audio quality is bad. They don't even use a local network for audio streaming because it makes the sound quality worse. So what are we talking about? :)
High end users which I know do not use WiiMs. They do not use streaming services because the audio quality is bad. They don't even use a local network for audio streaming because it makes the sound quality worse. So what are we talking about? :)
I guess different ’high end’ users then.
I have a lot of friends with real high-endish stuff. Far above my low mid-end gear. And a good portion of them run a Pro or a Pro Plus. Their (and mine) important and main sources are not streaming from the services.
Even though Qobuz is quite good…
That is DIY with limited software. Does it support high res chromecast like WiiM Pro does?
No but Chromecast is not necessary or desirable in many cases. As I understand it the inside of a Pro or Pro+ isn’t very much different to a Raspberry Pi 3 with an audio daughterboard.
I’m sure a get a lot of heat on this but I still like physical media over streaming. Streaming are for convenience but for audiophile fanatics that want best sound still listen on physical like vinyl.
I’m sure a get a lot of heat on this but I still like physical media over streaming. Streaming are for convenience but for audiophile fanatics that want best sound still listen on physical like vinyl.

Sure. Redbook cd on a top notch transport and dac is excellent. LPs with good table/arm/cartridge/phono preamp sound good with a lot of work and inconvenience.
Sure. Redbook cd on a top notch transport and dac is excellent.
When they release these so called high resolution loseless I was excited which I thought would be wow factor like going from vhs to Blu-ray. I was not floored with joy. They sound little better if any because many of these songs were just upsampled. In fact they sound lack the excitement you get from vinyl. If they were recorded natively on recording studio via 24/192 then that’s different.