update V4.6.530553

My Pro Plus just updated to 4.8.530553 - thought at first it was my mini getting the update…
A more philosophical question 😉
Which of these two options has to be preferred? Or does it make absolutely no difference?
My Pro is for at least the next few months out of business. It could find a place where it stays connected via ethernet and on power. Theoretically all firmware updates during this time should be done in background, right? Or would it be better to handle it like a new item once it is eventually back to work?
I’d leave it switched off till you need it - it’ll get whichever firmware is the most recent when you switch it back on.
effective update and the arrival of "peq 4 band mode" on my mini...
May I ask…?

I understand WiiM are looking at increasing the number of bands of PEQ on the Pro and Pro Plus from 4 to…more.

Is this being looked at for the mini, or will this max out at 4 bands?

WiiM have said in the past that the Pro has the potential to have more PEQ bands due to its better cpu, so I’d be surprised if they extend the number of bands in the Mini. Nothing definitive has been said either way by WiiM to the best of my knowledge, but it must be recognised that the Mini is the baby of the WiiM family and is potentially already working at capacity - for example, it missed out on the Squeezelite client that its newer and bigger siblings have.