Using other "pre's" with Ultra as the main


Active member
Feb 6, 2024
Sorry for the awkward title, but essentially that's what I'm trying to do. Presently I use both a McIntosh MX110Z and Mac C11 as my pre's, with the 110z used out to whatever amp I'm using. Both of these amps then get connected to a McIntosh CR7 via their tape outs so that I can use the various inputs(phono, tape, aux, etc) on both. I do that mainly for the remote control capabilities of the CR7. However, I'd like to use the Ultra for when I use solid state amps that are more difficult for the older tube pre's to drive, in addition to using it's various digital outputs and phono. I'm thinking I could simply run a cable from the CR7's out to the Line In of of the Ultra, and run another cable from the Line Out of the Ultra to the power amp. Then simply choose whatever from the CR7 which tube pre input I'm going to use. So for example, if I want to use the phono from the MX110, I would choose Phono 1 on the it, choose it's input on the CR7, and that would then allow me to use the Ultra.

I know this sounds complicated, but am I on the right track here? Alternatively, I suppose I could also use a RCA switch box and connect that to the Ultra Line In.

A picture is worth a thousand words!
Might need to read it over a few more times...

Don't I know it.

Basically I want to use a tape out from a preamp that has multiple inputs, and connect it to the Line In of the Ultra. Line Out of the Ultra will go to the power amp. And then choose whatever input I want from the preamp(aux, tape, phono) .


Don't I know it.

Basically I want to use a tape out from a preamp that has multiple inputs, and connect it to the Line In of the Ultra. Line Out of the Ultra will go to the power amp. And then choose whatever input I want from the preamp(aux, tape, phono) .

So simple after all!
Sounds quite reasonable.
The ultra line in will be converted to digital, then back to analog. Not an issue imo, but just so you are aware.
Allows you to do any EQ you desire in the ultra, and multiroom etc. should you want to (and have more wiims).
Volume could be controlled from either / both the pre or ultra, whichever you prefer / is easiest.
Great! Gonna give it a go tomorrow and I’ll let you and everyone else know how it went.

Thanks for your help!
Yup works like a charm. The Ultra will replace the CR7 alluded to in my original post which was there solely for it's remote control capabilities, and also an Audiolab 8000A that I was using for it's phono and headphone amp. So with the Ultra I've been able to replace 2 boxes and remove several cables from the mix.

Me likey.

Oh, and it sounds great.
Great! Gonna give it a go tomorrow and I’ll let you and everyone else know how it went.

Thanks for your help!