What are you listening to?

Everything is still so literal. Is this all there is to life? Has every mystery already been uncovered?! 🤔
If the title didn't clue you in. This one's a bassy album 😂
A long time idea which comes to my mind again and again. The reaction scores show that the interest from many of the users is more or less special interest related. What do you think about opening a subsidiary thread for classical music? Keeping things a bit more structured and avoid boring some people?
I think those threads would dilute the essence of this one... I, for one, actually look forward to encountering music here that I wouldn't otherwise be exposed to. 🙏
If Aveline can't help me see the nuance that exists even in the mundanity of our existence, then I'm a lost cause... she's been dropping jaws since she was 6 or something! 😮1000002440.png
Maybe a suggestion to add further interest to the thread - how about a BBC 6Music Radcliffe & Maconie type chain where what you post has a link (however obtuse) to the previous post? I realise you couldn’t keep it strictly serial as several people might link to the same earlier post, but it might still be possible.

So to follow #3688 with a Chopin link, how about "Could It Be Magic", a song written by Adrienne Anderson and composed by American singer-songwriter Barry Manilow, inspired by Frédéric Chopin's Prelude in C minor, Opus 28, Number 20.
