What are you listening to?

Katja Maria Werker rose to minor fame in 2000 with her first commercially produced album, Contact Myself. This was partly due to the audiophile quality of the recording (all the vocal tracks were deliberately recorded on analogue equipment) and her truly hypnotic voice. Another part was her wonderful compositions and moving, intense lyrics. The world had yet to learn of the personal tragedies that fuelled them, despite her then young age. The final, and ironically perhaps most important, reason was that one of her songs (Carried the Cross) was used as a recurring theme to accompany lesbian love scenes in the German TV series "Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast" (Behind bars - The women's prison).

However, the fact that her own songs were released by a major label with some commercial success never made her quite so happy, as she had no influence on the production. In 2008, another album was released on a major label, but the result didn't seem to satisfy either party. As a result, she withdrew completely from the business for the time being.

The year 2011 marked a decisive turning point: Katja Werker released an album in her native German (on a small label) for the first time. Bringing a lot of (unexpected) positive vibes, this is the opening song of this album.

Katja Werker - Neuland.jpg
Take me to those barren Unforgiven landscapes that I love..🏜️🌵🏜️🌵🎵🎵🎶🎶Closing my eyes..I'm there..time standing still... Nature unforgiving amazing..harsh but beautiful...Alive.
My mind in symbiosis with those landscapes 🌵🌵🏜️🏜️ 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎

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It’s a bit odd that there is nothing here actually about music that people are listening to so I’ll kick off a thread on the subject.

A set of 3 newly released CDs hit my doormat yesterday. I’ve ripped one of them to my server today and now playing.

This is a massively expanded set of tracks from Eric’s 24 Nights album from a series of concerts at Royal Albert Hall in 1990 & 1991.

♪ Playing Crossroads by Eric Clapton from 24 Nights: Orchestral (2023) (Local • 956kbps VBR 16bit 44.1kHz FLC)

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Anything Buckethead
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." Albert Schweitzer

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My fourth choice of album comes from Bon Jovi.

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Bon Jovi is one of the few bands that I really liked when I was young but have turned my back on today. I don't even understand why (because they are very good musicians, especially Richie Samborra, love his solo records) but I just can't listen to them anymore... Who knows what it will look like in 20 years 🤘