What's your setup/configuration look like?

WiiM Pro - 2 inputs: Ethernet & Toslink from TV. 2 Outputs: Coax to minidsp Flex & SPDIF (toslink) to Topping EX5. 2 Main sources: Qobuz Hi-res (both optical cables carry Hi-Res) & Sony TV. The minidsp Flex connects to my amp (on top in the photo), the EX5 connects to my headphones. A happy camper! WiiM pro in the back left.
Is it NC252MP based amp?
The amp is a Buckeye amp - NC252, stereo, Ghent case.
There is a desk to the left of the stack. I have a small pc on it...see photo [printer on left, pc back middle, stack on file cabinet on right.


  • Desk & Stack.jpeg
    Desk & Stack.jpeg
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Here's my Mini sitting on top of my Topping L30 headphone amp and Soncoz LA-QXD1 dac. To the left is a Nobsound NS-01P tube preamp with Mullard Blackburn 12AX7 tubes, and to the left of it is my pride and joy, a completely rebuilt-by-me Dynaco ST-70 Series II tube amplifier with Mullard Blackburn EL-34's and 6GH8A's. The speaker is a pair of Klipsch KLF-10's that have been upgraded with redone-by-me crossovers and FaitalPro HF-111 horn drivers. Behind the speaker is one of two Klipsch Synergy Sub-12's All my interconnects and speaker wires are pure silver or silver plated copper hand-wound and assembled by me and terminated with silver plated connectors. My headphones are Meze 99 classics. I run the Mini with my tablet.
