Wifi stream from fiio dap?


New member
Dec 7, 2022
Is it possible to stream music from my fiio dap (m6) to the wiim via wifi? The fiio has wifi and it has airplay. I thought maybe I could stream via WiFi but I can't figure out how. I don't want to stream via Bluetooth because I would do that with my other Bluetooth streamer that is being replaced by the wiim as it has aptx hd.
Is it possible to stream music from my fiio dap (m6) to the wiim via wifi? The fiio has wifi and it has airplay. I thought maybe I could stream via WiFi but I can't figure out how. I don't want to stream via Bluetooth because I would do that with my other Bluetooth streamer that is being replaced by the wiim as it has aptx hd.
Not sure of your use case but maybe check this in case it works for you..

https://www.head-fi.org/threads/fii...ge-77#:~:text=Spotify though on,working on it.