Wiim Micro

Jay x

Mar 23, 2024
I have started extending out my home audio. I looked into many ways to do this either buying new and better WiiM products and doing a hand me down to other areas ... or, to go basic for other areas in the house.

My WiiM system is a WiiM Amp with good tower speakers and a good sub... I'm really really happy with this, it's plugged into the TV as well ... it really does not make sence for me to upgrade to a Ultra at the moment (cost as well for me at least) with the additional amps and speakers required to enable me to transplant the WiiM Amp into another room.

A WiiM mini would seem to be my option for other rooms then..
But, by the time I added up the cost of a WiiM mini into maybe active monitors I'd still be spending more than I wanted to.

After trying out the bluetooth out from the WiiM Amp with a pair of B&W Headphones I started to reassess my audio expectations for bedroom, study or kitchen listening.

So... For now. I Have ordered a set of Aiyima S400 mini active monitors from AliExpress. These give me the option to take an optical/rca or bluetooth. The bluetooth on the wiimAmp is over V5 as is the Aiyima S400 speakers. For me, that should mean I will get clear connection in other rooms.
With the easy output selector on the new wiim software, changing rooms for output should be easy...

Bluetooth obviously not audiophile, but heck ! It's going to be one HELL of an alarm clock !

This leads me onto some questions. May it be possible to output to both bluetooth and main outputs at the same time in the future introducing a delay compensation slider ? (Probably not during tv duties) ?

And now onto the product I really would have bought had WiiM had it for sale.

A WiiM Micro Streamer relay

1x Optical
1x Coax
1x Sub Out

Target market would be either the high end or the low end.

High end = it's a relay that picks up a WiiM device streaming capability to transfer into a DAC and epic audiophile system etc

Low end = it's a relay that picks up a WiiM device streaming capability to transfer into cheap powered speakers onboard DAC with digital sub out control.
(A dac would be required for the Sub out, but only a very very very very cheap DAC leaving the external device responsibility over the majority of the scrutinized fq range)

If this existed, it would be my upgrade for the Aiyima speakers, Full audiophile resolution and sub bass management.

My argument I guess is that a WiiM mini does too much as a secondary device, but would benefit from a Sub Out. Hence WiiM Micro

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