Wiim Pro bright sounding


New member
Jul 2, 2024
I recently added a wiim pro via digital coaxial into my Denon a1h avr with ma 500 silver 7g speakers and arendal sub.

Using roon lossless transport for flacs and tidal.

I feel like the sound is brighter than before. Previously I was using roon straight to the avr which isn't roon ready just tested

Is this common? No wiim room correction, just my avr audyssey which is optimized by the audyssey one script
I recently added a wiim pro via digital coaxial into my Denon a1h avr with ma 500 silver 7g speakers and arendal sub.

Using roon lossless transport for flacs and tidal.

I feel like the sound is brighter than before. Previously I was using roon straight to the avr which isn't roon ready just tested

Is this common? No wiim room correction, just my avr audyssey which is optimized by the audyssey one script
I have an older Onkyo AVR with Aqu EQ or something like that. I use the AVR room balance for everything but my streamer. I have the Pro hooked to my CD input via digital connection. I can switch off the AVR EQ for the connection and I use WiiM room correction for the stereo sound of the Pro.
I have an older Onkyo AVR with Aqu EQ or something like that. I use the AVR room balance for everything but my streamer. I have the Pro hooked to my CD input via digital connection. I can switch off the AVR EQ for the connection and I use WiiM room correction for the stereo sound of the Pro.

I'm not sure what that has to do with my setup sounding bright
In my setup it does not sound bright at all (Pro+). It sounds neutral. No difference between my older setup (as a source - Logitech Squuezebox and an external DAC), except for more clarity, instrument separation and improved soundstage. I am even using the internal DAC of my Pro+ !
I recently added a wiim pro via digital coaxial into my Denon a1h avr with ma 500 silver 7g speakers and arendal sub.

Using roon lossless transport for flacs and tidal.

I feel like the sound is brighter than before. Previously I was using roon straight to the avr which isn't roon ready just tested

Is this common? No wiim room correction, just my avr audyssey which is optimized by the audyssey one script
The AVR dac is being used if you are sending it digital from the WiiM Pro, so this "brightness" could be a reflection of that. When you say "straight to the avr", do you mean the roon was connected through an analog input?
I'm not sure what that has to do with my setup sounding bright
😂 Well you said you have the AVR equalized and the pro sounds bright. So what are your choices? Equalize the Pro, Listen to it like it is, or get rid of the Pro. If you are looking for a magic trick I'm afraid your out of luck.
😂 Well you said you have the AVR equalized and the pro sounds bright. So what are your choices? Equalize the Pro, Listen to it like it is, or get rid of the Pro. If you are looking for a magic trick I'm afraid your out of luck.
Why should the Pro sound bright? It‘s just a transport. It doesn’t change anything. There is no DAC involved.