WiiM Pro Plus, not on AliExpress?

I would open my window and yell out my order before I purchased anything on that scam site.

Funny I've ordered lots of things from aliexpress, from rubber fan mounts to ebike conversion kit, all arrived ok
Purchase at your own risk! 😆

Aliexpress even refunded me money 100% with a purchase I had for around 12 months, that I returned, held up in customs, came back etc. I lost money on the postage to poland or somewhere, but at least I got 100% back on the ebike kit (around £750) and I used the kit for around a year and still have it.

That's pretty good service for another country, I've received worse customer service from computer shops in the UK
We do not sell our products on AliExpress officially. We recommend that you purchase our products from our Amazon listing or through our authorized sellers. We are compiling a list of authorized sellers, which we will post on our website when it's ready. Therefore, if you choose to purchase on AliExpress, please be warned.
@RyanWithWiim @WiiM Support

Is this still the same situation re AliExpress?