WiiM Pro vs Chromecast for multiroom

You know I need physical activity;)
What I have to confess is that streaming saves me money. The purchases getting less and lesser.
Yes, i know so…keep moving more and more 😂 ;)
Unfortunately listen to music, through loudspeakers, needs a fixed point or you could listen to marching up and down the room. 😂😇
Me and some engineers I know are working very hard on a solution where masses of speakers on rails surround me. This Dolby Atmos failed, we will do it better. Stay tuned, you will be informed. 😉
Thanks so much sir. Obliged. 😂 😂 😂
Threads a bit old now but not sure if the OP found a complete solution and or changed streaming provider but personally I use Amazon Music because of it's abaility to cast to the WiiM's @ 24/192 lossless and also for the ease of setting up multiroom groups.

I'm not an Amazon fan, if one of the other providers offered the same i.e. Qubuz I'd probably switch but until they do it's just simplicity of use.