Wiim Ultra issues

Good Vibrations

New member
Jan 2, 2025
Hi, I have been a happy owner of the WiiM Ultra for a month now but have experienced a few issues which seem to have coincided with recent updates. The issues are:

1 - HDMI - When changing channel on my tv remote, there is a short sharp increase in volume.

2 - I have to keep re-synching the TV audio

3 - When using the WiiM remote to cycle through inputs, occasionally the volume completely cuts out and I have to reboot the Ultra to get it working again.

Has anyone else experienced these issues?
Short answer (as far as I am concerned): No.

2 - I have to keep re-synching the TV audio
What exactly do you mean by re-synching? Changing the HDMI delay to get sound and picture. n synch? In your TV's settings? Does it have an auto-synch setting?

Looks to me like this might be a problem with what's coming into the WiiM Ultra. Make sure you have eARC disabled on your TV (however it might be called with your brand). WiiM only supports ARC, not eARC. Watch the quality of the HDMi cable. The one supplied with the Ultra seems to work very well (with very few exceptions reported here). Even though ARC has been introduced with HDMI 1.4 I'd always go with a version 2.0.or newer cable (a certified one) if you buy it on your own.

Remove the mains power from all devices before making any HDMI connections. Occasionally issues could be fixed by just powering down (really pull the plugs!) all connected devices, let it sit for a minute, undo and redo the HDMI connection and power up everything again. Yes, sounds spooky.

3 - When using the WiiM remote to cycle through inputs, occasionally the volume completely cuts out and I have to reboot the Ultra to get it working again.
When this happens,.did you check with the WiiM Home app if the input has really been changed as you expect it to? Or even easier: What's shown on the touchscreen? Some inputs may take longer to switch too. If an input gets muted you should see the play symbol on the touchscreen for a short time,.so make sure that flipping through the sources just not mutes the unit.

Unfortunately there is no feature yet to skip unused inputs.

If nothing of this is of any help (or nobody comes up with better ideas), make sure to send feedback to WiiM from within the WiiM Home app on your phone right after the problem occurs. WiiM Home app >> More >> Send us feedback. This will send device logs along with your description.
Thank you for your response. I removed and then reinserted the HDMI cable which seemed to have fixed the short sharp increase in volume when changing channel. I then switched everything off and on again and the issue is back.

For the first month of ownership I didn’t have to change any audio settings on the TV, I just went through the set up process on the WiiM and everything worked fine. No TV settings have been changed since I first connected the WiiM and seems fine on the TV’s settings menu.

The issue with using the remote to cycle through inputs just happened again. The display shows the input I have selected and correlates with the app but there is no audio. When the fault occurs the needle on the VU meter freezes on -20. I have checked it is not on mute. The issue is on all inputs and only works when I reboot the WiiM.

Think I will have to contact WiiM and see what comes of it. Issues only seemed to have happened since the last update. I couldn’t praise the Ultra enough until this happened but now getting concerned with reliability.
Hi, I will have to wait until the issue arises again before I can double check but as far as I am aware, I cannot pause/unpause when the issue happens. Only a reboot gets things going again.