WiiM Ultra + Klipsch The Sevens


New member
Feb 24, 2025
I would like to listen (24-bit/96kHz or higher) music from TIDAL (paid premium) using the WiiM Ultra and Klipsch The Sevens. I tried connecting via USB-A to USB-B (which wasn't bad), but I want to find the best connection between the WiiM and Klipsch. That’s why I’m trying RCA. I’ve heard that the WiiM has a better DAC than the Klipsch.

Now, I need your help:
I connected RCA from the WiiM (ports marked OUT in the bottom left corner of the WiiM) to the Phono inputs on the Klipsch. Should the Line/Phono switch be set to Line or Phono?

Also, should I connect the subwoofer to the WiiM or directly to the Klipsch?

Finally, regarding volume—should I set the WiiM’s volume to max and adjust the volume on the Klipsch, or would a 50/50 balance be better?

Thank you for your help!

Set the switch to Line!

As for subwoofer, that depends on where you intend to control the volume.
If you use the ultra for volume then connect the sub to the ultra and set and forget the sevens volume, and vice versa.

e.g. if using the ultra for volume then you'd set the sevens volume such that when the ultra is on max the speakers are as loud as you'd ever want them, effectively using the sevens volume to limit the maximum overall volume.
Thank you for your reply Mr Ee! :)I will do it !
I should two more questions. 🙏

Is RCA better solution for best quality sound than USB? Is it? What do you think?
And what kind of filter are you recommend for Line Out?

Thank you very much!
What I think is somewhat irrelevant.
My suggestion would be to try each for a while and see if you prefer one over the other or whether one is more convenient to use than the other.

It might be that the 7s convert the analog signal to digital anyway, and then back to analog, to allow the sound to be changed via their app, in a similar way that the wiims (except the vibelink) digitise their analog inputs.
Just realised I never answered your question about line out filter, by which I assume you mean the dac filter type.
Maybe there are differences, but tbh I find it hard to know if I hear differences because there are differences or because I know I just changed something.
Maybe certain types of music / sounds are better for hearing the differences than others, but the main reason it's not an issue for me is that I don't use the analog out. :)
Again, it's one of those choices that's personal to you. There may well be a technically better one, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the one everyone will choose.
Just look at all those who choose NOS on their dacs :ROFLMAO: (not available on the ultra)
Is RCA better solution for best quality sound than USB?
The objective advantage of connecting the Ultra over a digital connection (optical or USB) with your speakers would be to eliminate the possibility of noise being picked up by analog RCA.

Using the integrated DAC of the speakers will also ensure everything is properly level-matched etc...

And as stated above it is possible that the Sevens/Nines digitize the analog inputs anyways. So using a digital connection would skip one stage of DA conversion (wiim line output) and AD conversion (Klipsch analog input).
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