Wiim Ultra Streaming 16/44.1 only with Qobuz

@Burnside @onlyoneme
Is everything being resampled to 48khz, even the 44.1khz stuff?

If that’s the case, the issue is with the media backend. It can be configured to mix the audio streams to match with the source if desired. I highly doubt WiiM engineers don’t know this. If I had to guess, WiiM OS is probably too bloated to output 96K stably, especially with the EQ and room correction stuff. They should be able to make some optimization and get it working though.

That’s unfortunately not the same with what @DRC described.

Media backend is the part of code that outputs the audio bit data to the DAC chip.

It seems like Cambridge audio got lazy or was in a bit of a rush, and they just used the sample media backend code provided by Google. That one of course, only implemented the most basic set of sampling rates.

I’m 100% certain this doesn’t apply to all GC4A 2.0 devices. But for legacy devices or sunset devices, some manufacturers can’t justify putting in resources to properly integrate GC4A 2.0. I have seen that with some devices with low projected sales volume unfortunately. They probably wouldn’t even make the update had it not been mandated by Google. Hopefully when eventually the Pro (which is what I’m currently using) has to be updated, WiiM can do a better job in that regard.

Edit: had to remove some information that might be confidential
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