Recent content by DryTortuga

  1. DryTortuga

    Squeezelite Squeezelite and LMS

    This is mine as well (iOS). Older version of Material?
  2. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    My understanding is they’re addressing an implementation issue of the AKM DAC in there for a relatively small issue (IMD, I think). But it will not be fixable by a firmware update to original Rev. 1 models of the Plus. The only thing I got even close to Deep Purple is that long ago I shared a...
  3. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    No, it’s up to us to save @Hollywood!😁
  4. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    I hear you. But, not everybody has the budget to keep buying a new device. Squeezelite is a fraction of the size of Roon. And there are ways to accomplish a “firmware” switch. Perhaps we should have little faith that they could do it without introducing endless bugs.😁 Maybe not, but a user like...
  5. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    If you choose to get a Plus, I would wait for the Rev. 2 stock to become available with the fix for the AK4493SEQ implementation. Is it a better DAC chip than the ESS9018 in your Modi+, yes it is. Is it something you will notice - depends on your system and ears. Schiit makes excellent products...
  6. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    Is this confirmed for sure? I’d hate to throw away my 3 mini’s only to find out they have implemented squeezelite in the mini.
  7. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    If you’re using analog out from the WiiM it can be a different story if your output is running hot. Not a problem for those of us using external DACs exclusively.
  8. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    If you’re new to LMS and squeezeboxes it’s super important to first go to the LMS Settings/Players/Audio page for each squeezebox player (that’s your WiiM now) to set fixed volume. That’s how it works in the LMS universe.
  9. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    Oh for sure, I’m talking native squeezelite. It’s kinda like we don’t expect them to recreate anybody else’s full service app in their interface. Native squeezelite is so much more rock solid as would be expected from the UPnP dumpster fire.
  10. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro is a very friendly, helpful forum like here. They can help with all things LMS. @d6jg is like StarLord there.
  11. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    And what’s really cool is I can use my Pi touchscreen picoreplayer with the Jivelite UI to control any of my “squeezed” Wiims throughout the music mansion. Just no VU meters. That is if any of my Pros would update.😢
  12. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    No one should expect the WHA to be a squeezebox controller. Use the LMS web interface. IPeng, or the current state of art web interface with the Material skin. It’s easiest to save a browser view of the YourIP:9000/material address as a Home Screen app (assuming android has something similar to...
  13. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    No update here either… at least I’ve scored some Paulaner Festbier to cry into. Happy Oktoberfest everybody!
  14. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    I’m anxiously waiting for squeezelite…
  15. DryTortuga

    4.8.528649 firmware for Pro

    Oh, BTW I concur with stick with LMS (especially for the Radio Paradise plugin) and use the Amazon Music phone app with AlexaCast. I was a Logitech audio dealer. Held up for 20 years as my music server.