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    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to monkeyboy72's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      I asked last week whether ios had search and a jump list and was told it didn't?, I really hope android gets both soon would really...
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to GimmeShelter's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      Still a lot of work to be done on Plex IMO
    • Qnots
      Qnots replied to the thread Beta Test: Plex.
      Yesterday I tried the Plex integration with the WiiM amp. On my iPad it works ok, I can search my Plex music collection and show an...
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to bever70's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      In Android: sorting albums/artists alphabetical doesn't work! And there is no search function either so it' s pretty much completely...
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to harkpabst's post in the thread Pro Plus: Chromecast & Qobuz with Like Like.
      Nobody said you would. How did you manange to chromecast using Tidal? Things would be a lot easier if you mentioned how exactly you...
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to azoriusmage's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      Screams of an implementation planned by someone who doesn’t understand Plex.
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to donjulien's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      I am a little late to the party. Just want to +1 on the full Wiim as a full Plexamp renderer implementation, because: Gapless, gapless...
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to PieterS's post in the thread Squeezelite canHTTPS option with Like Like.
      It looks like the squeezelite player in the Wiim is compiled without the canHTTPS=1 setting. This causes LMS to use proxied streaming...
    • Qnots
      Qnots replied to the thread I can't connect to 2.4G wifi.
      It's been awhile since I set up the WiiM's but as I recall the phone connects to the WiFi of the WiiM for initial configuration, so the...
    • Qnots
      Qnots replied to the thread I can't connect to 2.4G wifi.
      Exactly, it needs to be on the same IP subnet, not the same WiFi SSID. I have my WiiM's all on Ethernet. Probably, if the app works in...
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to Pcryan5's post in the thread Win Pro Plus, not on AliExpress? with Like Like.
      Sure that is obvious, but Ali Express? No thanks. Ordered twice. Received blatant fakes twice. I’m a slow learner. 😂
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to vdp's post in the thread What are you listening to? with Like Like.
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to vdp's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      As such my question. If they come back in 3 months with Plex beta 2.0 without plexamp endpoint there are high chances feedback is...
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to vdp's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      And again we have expectations build-up that this collaboration with Plex leads to plexamp endpoint. I still don't see that direction in...
    • Qnots
      Qnots reacted to erictheperic's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      Endpoint functionality would be greatly appreciated indeed.
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