12V trigger on WiiM Pro: why does it wait for music?


Nov 14, 2022
I rely on 12V trigger to switch on my stereo power amp when needed. Until now, I've been using the 12V trigger output from my Topping DAC to control the power amplifier. If I wanted to use a DAC that doesn't have a trigger out, I'd like my WiiM Pro to send the trigger control directly to the power amp. This basically works, with the following annoyance: taking the WiiM Pro out of standby with the remote does not activate the 12V trigger output, rather the trigger logic responds to music being actively played. I therefore miss a few seconds of the first track I play when staring a music session from the power off state.

I think the more desirable behavior would be for the 12V trigger output to exactly replicate the on/standby state of the WiiM Pro. If the WiiM Pro is out of standby and ready to play music, I would like the rest of my system (power amps, DACs etc.) to also be ready to play music. Isn't this the generally expected behavior in HiFi components that have tigger in/out connections?

I actually prefer this behaviour, with my use case being alternating input from TV via optical and Wi-Fi via AirPlay. I can turn on the TV and browser around, or let it go to screensaver, for however long I want and only when a programme or stream starts do the monitors turn on.

But I would 100% support it being more configurable. All the logic around when and why the trigger activates and deactivates should be configurable. Especially the timing. For me the 2.5m turn off timeout is a bit short.
I strongly agree that 2.5 minutes is too brief of a time to trigger the amp into standby mode. I find nothing helpful about it. Most amps these days do not use a lot of power when not actively amplifying sound, so energy saving is very minimal. It should either be tied directly to the Wiim's own "enter standby mode" time setting or be configurable as its own setting. Or at the absolute simplest, I would like the option to only allow trigger on, but disable trigger off (as my amp, like many others, has its own setting to go into standby after a certain time).
I rely on 12V trigger to switch on my stereo power amp when needed. Until now, I've been using the 12V trigger output from my Topping DAC to control the power amplifier. If I wanted to use a DAC that doesn't have a trigger out, I'd like my WiiM Pro to send the trigger control directly to the power amp. This basically works, with the following annoyance: taking the WiiM Pro out of standby with the remote does not activate the 12V trigger output, rather the trigger logic responds to music being actively played. I therefore miss a few seconds of the first track I play when staring a music session from the power off state.

I think the more desirable behavior would be for the 12V trigger output to exactly replicate the on/standby state of the WiiM Pro. If the WiiM Pro is out of standby and ready to play music, I would like the rest of my system (power amps, DACs etc.) to also be ready to play music. Isn't this the generally expected behavior in HiFi components that have tigger in/out connections?

I agree, this is how this function should work!
It should either be tied directly to the Wiim's own "enter standby mode" time setting or be configurable as its own setting

I created a thread for this in the feature request forum. Please like and/or add your vote to a comment. (For people who want the trigger to be activated by playback mode, that could remain an option.)
