Amp Pro - I’m this close

Nov 30, 2024
After a lot of research, I’m really close to pulling the trigger on an Amp Pro. I just need a little nudge to get me off the fence.

Here’s the background:

I have a set of Polk Blackstone TL3’s that were part of a 5.1 home theater system that has since been retired in favor of a much simpler to use (and better sounding for tv, IMO) Bose soundbar and sub. Two of the Polks are still sitting on their bookshelves and wired to a dormant receiver. I also have an older JBL 10” sub that’s back in its box, but still ready for action. For music, that setup actually sounded very good. Not high-end audiophile good, but better than most Best Buy specials. Trouble with it was two-fold + it only sounded eh for movies, and the system was generally a p.i.a. to use, especially switching sound sources across all the HDMI and other inputs (I.e., one too many remotes). And I’ve since gotten a new sectional couch that takes up the whole wall that rear speakers would be mounted on, which pretty much rendered any kind of 5.1 system a no-go. Anyway, I searched high and low for components when I first put that system together, and have long regretted not getting more use out of those Polk speakers.

Since that time, my whole CD collection has been boxed up and put away, as all of it and almost everything else I could ever want to listen to is available on Apple Music; so all of my listening these days is either that or Sirius in the car. Unfortunately, the only home listening options I have right now are small BT speakers in the home office, headphones, or streaming though the tv soundbar, which opposite from the old home theater setup is great for tv and movies, but only so-so for music. So the search was for something to replace the 5.1 receiver (that predates blue tooth) with something I can stream to from my iPhone or iPad, and really nothing much more than that.

At first I was looking at stereo receivers with a sub out, but most of those I found were either underpowered, had way more features and inputs than I need or want, or cost way more than I’m interested in spending. Then I found the category of integrated amps. Criteria there were sub out, blue tooth in, simple setup, simple to operate (as I’m getting closer and closer to full-on dementia every day), decent power to fill my medium sized living room, and not cost an arm and a leg. A few were ruled out due to questionable user friendliness of their apps, but the one that stood out first after that dust settled was the WiiM amp, followed closely thereafter by the Amp Pro. I haven’t seen anything else that checks all the boxes (on paper, anyway) that the Amp Pro does. Apple Air Play would definitely be a nice-to-have, but not a deal breaker as long as I can stream from my phone over BT. Power should be sufficient for my needs and speakers, and everything I’ve read suggests the app is pretty full featured and easy to use.

As the title says, I’m this close to taking the plunge. Someone, anyone, please shove me off the fence.

Oh yeah, and I’m retiring in a few weeks, and this will be my retirement gift to myself, so I can spend the rest of my work-less days drowning myself in musical bliss. But one more reason why cost is a big factor.
Well, the silence was deafening, and then I fell off the fence. Order for one Amp Pro and a new sub cable has been placed. Next post will be sometime next week after it’s all hooked up and tried out.

It's possible the silence was partly timezone related; for me I was out for the day!
I was going to say the amp may have been more appropriate given Apple Music and Airplay, but as you say not a dealbreaker and bluetooth is ok then the amp pro should be fine. Too late now anyway :)
There's always plenty of other music services to try.
Got it. Hooked up. Only glitch was I couldn’t find a pair of AAA’s for the remote that weren’t dead. Otherwise setup was a breeze. Before anything I did the room correction, then synched the sub, then a couple of test tracks, and …. sounds really nice. The Polk TL3’s are crisp, but not piercing. The old JBL PSW1000 can still kick it. It gets fairly loud, but it certainly won’t rattle plaster off the walls. Loud enough to irritate the wife, so there’s that. But very nice, clean sound, so I won’t complain. More to come when I get some alone time to put it through its paces. I’m just glad I’m getting some use out of those Polks again.
Ok, not only did I fall off the fence, I fell right off the edge of the earth (it is flat, right? Right???). The Polk TL3’s are ok, but not great. They’re not bad by any stretch, but I was hoping for more. The fact that just two of them don’t really fill the room should come as a surprise to no one, considering their diminutive size and whopping 3.5” woofers they’re sporting. So I just ordered a pair of Paradigm Monitor SE 6000F’s (rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it?) from Crutchfield. Had a chat with a lovely sounding southern girl advisor about the, and she called them ‘a good call’ for this amp, the room I listen in, and the kind if stuff I listen to. I’m not looking to blow my socks off, though being able to would certainly be fun, I just want a fuller, more detailed sound that will fill up this room. And maybe loosen a few fillings if the mood strikes. I’m figuring 93dB sensitivity (vs 88 for the Polks) and a lot more mass shoving air molecules around should be what the doctor ordered. More to come on that next week.

Other than that, I’m quite impressed with the Amp Pro. It just works as advertised, with decent volume, nice clean sound, and access to anything I can reach with my phone. If I want to tweak, the app has everything I could want to tweak literally in the palm of my hand. It’s everything I was looking for.
Paradigm... nice ;)

I'd be interested to hear how the amp pro goes with the monitor 6000Fs; the amp pro is "less than ideal" with my 100Fs, but it has to be said it was nice with my older Krix floorstanders that I'd put in a similar bracket to the 6000s.

Paradigms arrived today (Monitor SE 6000F’s)!!! Haven’t had time to really stretch them out yet (and won’t until they’re well broken in), but first light at low listening levels says I made the right choice to hook up to this Amp Pro. The 5dB increase in sensitivity over the Polks is definitely noticeable, if only for the fact that I need to crank up the sub’s volume to hear it over them. Looking at them in this living room, they might be a bit overkill. I probably could have easily gotten away with a bigger and better pair of bookshelf’s than the little Polks, but I would have had to do a lot of rearranging to get the right placement, while the floor standers just go, well, right on the floor - end of story.

And the sound - after listening to just a couple of tracks, even a few over crappy SiriusXM, I needed a cigarette. This little amp really, really shines through higher sensitivity speakers. I’m glad now that I paid the extra few $$$ for the Amp Pro, and now these speakers, even though it meant no Air Play - the sound coming out of them is totally worth it. More to come …
Nice to hear (read ) these happy stories related to the WiiM products that we own and love. Also good to know that the Amp Pro can handle those big Paradigm floor standers in such a "pro way". Enjoy! :)
Still breaking in these tall boys, but I’m loving what I’m hearing so far. I decided to get silly and run the optical out of the tv into the Amp Pro, on top of the Bose soundbar and sub, which already sound pretty nice and get plenty loud on their own. Took a little futzing with the delay setting on the Bose, but I did finally get them perfectly synched. So when I feel like really caving in my skull, I can run both together. Even at low levels, the difference in sound is pretty amazing. Gimme about another week or so, and I’ll be seeing if we can shake this shack off its foundation just a little bit. I mean, I got ‘em right there, why waste ‘em.

Now a question that I can’t seem to find an answer for anywhere - is there some way to set the presets on the remote to different inputs? Like 1 = Bluetooth, 2= optical, etc.? Because I’m basically lazy, and that would make it much easier than doing it through the Home app.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the new speakers.
As for using presets to change input, not at this time, no.
Congrats on your Amp Pro! Sounds like a great setup, especially with the Paradigm Monitor SE 6000Fs. They should definitely fill your living room with much richer sound.
so I may follow down a similar path. My SX-780 bit the dust, but turntable still going strong. I too was looking at integrated amps (rotel, arcam, nad). How warm of a sound are you getting out of the Amp Pro?
Sad to hear about your SX-780, but glad your turntable still works. The Amp Pro gives a warm and clear sound, and it matches really well with the 6000Fs. Rotel and Arcam are great options too if you're checking out integrated amps
so I may follow down a similar path. My SX-780 bit the dust, but turntable still going strong. I too was looking at integrated amps (rotel, arcam, nad). How warm of a sound are you getting out of the Amp Pro?
Pretty much what @spoidyjan said - warm, but clear. The 6000F’s respond very nicely to EQ tweaks in the Home app, so you can color the sound to just about anything that suits you.