can't get 24/192 on coax


Mar 16, 2023
Howdie. I've seen posts on optical issues with 24/192 (24/96 does work), but my issue is with the coax output. I've tried with 2 wiim pros, so maybe my dac, but shouldn't be?
I have a new Benchmark Media DAC3 HGC: the 2 coaxial inputs support 24/192 (the opticals only 24/96).
I've tried 2 pretty high quality 75 ohm cables (bluejean and a monoprice i think), and switched to ethernet (though I assume the 24/192 test music is imbedded in the wiim).
Any ideas? Hate to think my $2400 dac is bad. 24/192 works on its usb input, but testing the 24/192 coaxial is super staticky, so no go.

Thanks folks!
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Thanks! I meant to mention that, so added above: (24/96 does work) Oh, added this too: but on coaxial, the test music is super scratchy.
Seems this may be an issue with the Pro Plus coax output as you are not the only one reporting the issue. Check the latest post by steadyshot on this subject.
I'm going to try a third cable, since I tried 2 Pros. Then I'll have to check with Benchmark re my dac.
Does anyone know?... I assume the 24/192 test tone is "in" the Pro, and not streamed from Internet (regardless, it's 3 feet from my router, And I tried ethernet as well after turning off wifi)
I can live with 24/96 from Quobuz, but shouldn't have to of course.
I think the most tested and standard cables that work with pro with no issues are Audioquest forest/cinnamon and chord c digital
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I think the most tested and standard cables that work with pro with no issues are Audioquest forest/cinnamon and chord c digital
Thanks for the info. Have to say, really don't think a $40-75 .5m cable should be needed for this. 1/3 price of the box!
I guess I'll order the Forest from Amazon to rule out cables. Thank you!
Consider grounding issues. Leakage to ground via the coax shield could be causing intermittent loss of sync at the DAC. If the DAC has a direct readout of clock state it would be easy to check.
I have an issue where the coax connection on my Pro Plus drops out intermittently with my Magician Draco DAC at 24/192. When it works, it sounds fine. My DAC reports that the connection maintains 24/192, it just drops out sometimes. Optical works fine.
I have an issue where the coax connection on my Pro Plus drops out intermittently with my Magician Draco DAC at 24/192. When it works, it sounds fine. My DAC reports that the connection maintains 24/192, it just drops out sometimes. Optical works fine.
I was having dropouts with my pro+ coax. At first the dropouts would only happen when I turned on the ceiling fan, air purifier or air conditioner but recently got worse. I found a solution by accident when I plugged the pro+ into a UcConditioner that I was using for my DAC. So I am now using the UcConditioner with ifi ipower elite to power both Pro+ and DAC since they are both 5V. So you might want to check your power supply. I'm on a shared line with the well pump and barn. I have an electrician coming for some fixes and will see about a dedicated line or two. A dedicated line for each audio component would be the ideal solution.