Display Format flac/mp3 and Sorting Lists


New member
Sep 24, 2024

I just bought a Wiim Ultra Streamer and I'm actually very happy with it! But there are a few things that bother me about the software.

The format (flac/mp3...) is displayed for some sources - not for others.
For example, "flac" is sometimes displayed via Tidal - but sometimes just "High".


But nothing is displayed for music on the network?!
For example, I have a KODi share - so it is listed as a server under "Home Music Share".
Playing works of course - but the format is not displayed here either - no flac or mp3 etc.


What is also annoying is that there is no sorting function.
Under compilations, everything is listed in a jumbled manner. It would be nice if you could sort it everywhere.


What also irritates me a bit is that the radio - TuneIN - doesn't show the artist and title at all. In a Yamaha app, for example, this is shown, as is the format - for example mp3.



It would be so nice if all of this would be integrated.

Greetings ✌🏻
What is also annoying is that there is no sorting function.
Under compilations, everything is listed in a jumbled manner. It would be nice if you could sort it everywhere.
The iOS app has a bug which overrides the default sort order, but the Android app (which is what I think you're using) displays the albums in the order they're sent by the server. The albums should appear in the same order when using other UPnP control points e.g. BubbleUPnP.

Having said that, I agree that you should be able to override the default sort with AlbumArtist/Album/Year.