I just bought a Wiim Ultra Streamer and I'm actually very happy with it! But there are a few things that bother me about the software.
The format (flac/mp3...) is displayed for some sources - not for others.
For example, "flac" is sometimes displayed via Tidal - but sometimes just "High".

But nothing is displayed for music on the network?!
For example, I have a KODi share - so it is listed as a server under "Home Music Share".
Playing works of course - but the format is not displayed here either - no flac or mp3 etc.

What is also annoying is that there is no sorting function.
Under compilations, everything is listed in a jumbled manner. It would be nice if you could sort it everywhere.

What also irritates me a bit is that the radio - TuneIN - doesn't show the artist and title at all. In a Yamaha app, for example, this is shown, as is the format - for example mp3.

It would be so nice if all of this would be integrated.
I just bought a Wiim Ultra Streamer and I'm actually very happy with it! But there are a few things that bother me about the software.
The format (flac/mp3...) is displayed for some sources - not for others.
For example, "flac" is sometimes displayed via Tidal - but sometimes just "High".

But nothing is displayed for music on the network?!
For example, I have a KODi share - so it is listed as a server under "Home Music Share".
Playing works of course - but the format is not displayed here either - no flac or mp3 etc.

What is also annoying is that there is no sorting function.
Under compilations, everything is listed in a jumbled manner. It would be nice if you could sort it everywhere.

What also irritates me a bit is that the radio - TuneIN - doesn't show the artist and title at all. In a Yamaha app, for example, this is shown, as is the format - for example mp3.

It would be so nice if all of this would be integrated.