Enhancing headphone presets: Dynamic input switching & EQ off option


Active member
Mar 13, 2024
Hello everyone,

Following my question post yesterday, I’ve received feedback that, in the current Wiim setup, a headphone preset cannot follow the active input source. Additionally, there appears to be no option to completely disable the EQ – the only available choice is a “flat” setting, which is nearly the

To clarify my goal: I’d like Wiim to support presets for headphones that automatically adapt to whichever input is active—whether that’s Phono, Line In, HDMI, or Tidal Connect. For example, when I plug in my Sennheiser HD650 headphones, I want them to apply my custom EQ settings regardless of the source, much like a classic receiver “kills” the speakers upon headphone insertion — ideally this would also be the case with Wiim but I guess this would the asking to much. Equally important is having an easy way to switch back to the speakers with Room Correction EQ and Line Out when desired.

Is there a workaround for these limitations in the current firmware? Or is there any plan for future updates that might allow:

Headphone presets to dynamically follow the active input.

A true “EQ off” option instead of just a flat EQ.
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