It looks so fantastic. It looks similar to vintage HAM radio look - I had one back in 80's.Back to Python. Good progress, just need to get the proper VU damping in place so the needles move more slowly.
View attachment 11021
It looks so fantastic. It looks similar to vintage HAM radio look - I had one back in 80's.Back to Python. Good progress, just need to get the proper VU damping in place so the needles move more slowly.
View attachment 11021
I had a fairly large collection of vintage HiFi equipment, sold most of it. Looks fantastic, but takes up space and tends to require more maintenance than I'm willing to do anymore. Replicating at least the look, without the hassle, is my goal - modern UIs on iPhones aren't much fun, but modern digital audio performs much better than the vintage stuff ever did.It looks so fantastic. It looks similar to vintage HAM radio look - I had one back in 80's.
I’ve never tried amber before, but you’re right, it looks great.Green? I’ve set mine to “amber” and never looked back! ;-)*
View attachment 9889
*that’s a lie. I can never decide which looks best.
Great album
My job here is done.Great album
dont forgot....Working on a 7” touchscreen for the Presto P10, but a WiiM Mini would fit in the box nicely, alternatively. I love the old Revox aesthetic.
View attachment 14839
What about the beta WiiM home desktop app?@cc_rider , I've been very impressed with what you've shown here.
Can you tell me in layman's terms, if I'm sat at my desk with my WiiM Ultra, controlled by my phone, can I get a simple visualisation to run on my PC monitor? In a way that's easy for a novice? Just looking for album artwork filling the height on the monitor, centred, and/or filling the height and over to the left, with a bit of text on the right indicating artist/album/track/maybe bitrate, etc.?
Or , installation of in the desktop Chrome browser as per comment #3