Has volume adjustments changed?


Aug 5, 2024
I haven't kept exact track of which FW version this showed up in, but it seems that the volume, especially via the HDMI input needs to be turned up much higher, and in general the adjustments seem to be much gradual. Wondering if anyone else has noticed this? I am controlling volume with the Ultra, and have my preamp set (and marked).

Side note, but related. I would suggest re-running room calibration after FW upgrade to pick up any changes that may affect it.
Good tip 👍🏻
But to take advantage of this you need to use the internal DAC and volumecontrol, and use the analogue RCA-outputs right?
I didn't notice any change except pre-gain.

Do you have per-source volume control enabled?
I didn't notice any change except pre-gain.

Do you have per-source volume control enabled?
I do. It's not where the volume starts, it's that at a given value the volume seems to be less. For example before my HDMI volume stayed between ~30-39, now I find I have to turn it up into the 50s. I know ther'ee variance with the source material but in this case I don't think that's it. Will keep testing.
I do. It's not where the volume starts, it's that at a given value the volume seems to be less. For example before my HDMI volume stayed between ~30-39, now I find I have to turn it up into the 50s. I know ther'ee variance with the source material but in this case I don't think that's it. Will keep testing.
Have you recently changed the audio output settings on your TV or video device?
PCM and bitstream may have different volume levels.
I do. It's not where the volume starts, it's that at a given value the volume seems to be less. For example before my HDMI volume stayed between ~30-39, now I find I have to turn it up into the 50s. I know ther'ee variance with the source material but in this case I don't think that's it. Will keep testing.
If you had played around with pre-gain settings, that would be the natural candidate. Try hitting the reset link.

I couldn't test the current Android version 2.11.2 of the WiiM Home App.yet, but at least with version 2.11.1 the display was incorrect regarding pre-gain.