How To Stream Apple Music Media Over AirPlay To WiiM Devices.


Jan 31, 2024
MacOS, iOS, iPad OS and old versions of tv OS can assign wired speakers connected to Wiim devices as AirPlay Speakers. The WiiM device is not involved with AirPlay whatsoever. It processes the data stream as exactly as it proccess TOSLINK digital input from all non-Apple device.

The solution is to a use older Apple devices as AirPlay digital-stream receivers.

With my WiiM Amp I’ve had succes using the Apple Airport Express gen 1 model A1264 as well as the Apple TV gen 3, model A1469. These are easy to find on EBAY for $15 - $60. These devices output digital-audio streams using a SPDIF/TOSLINK optical cable. They physically connect to a WiiM deivce’s IN port. Using either the WiiM remote or the WiiM Home app, the WiiM device Audio Input is set to Optical In (or a custom name chosen for the WiiM optical input). The input to Wiim devices can be lossless (ALAC) or lossy (ACC) Apple Music media (ALAC).


My goal was to take advantage of Apple Music lossless media. Lossy ACC Apple Music media Airplay streaming also works. ACC media support is simpler to impliment because either Airplay 1 or Airplay 2 devices support ACC streams. ACC Airplay streamimg also uses less WiFi bandwidth and downloaded media storage space.

Both the the Apple Airport Express gen 1 model A1264 as well as Apple TV gen 3 model A1469 support Apple Music Media lossless streaming.

iOS/iPad OS devices used with the Airport Express provide bit perfect, lossless CD quality (16-bit, 44.1 kHz) input to the WiiM. While lossless, 24-bit, 48 kHz (ALAC) Apple Music media output is not bit perfect.

MacOS devices also support lossless CD quality and lossless ALAC streams to over AirPlay 1. The output is not bit perfect.

Airport Express, Apple TVs and other networked Apple devices that use AirPlay 2 are unable output lossless TOSLINK input to WiiM devices. All Airplay streams are ACC even if the Apple Music media is ALAC.

HDMI ports in newer Apple TVs can output 2-channel lossless audio up to Apple Music’s maximum quality: 24-bit, 192 kHz. However they must be connected to a HDMI audio extracter ($22-$35) to make a hi-res TOSLINK connection to WiiM devices.

In my case, three devices (Mac mini, WiiM Amp, Apple TV gen 3) use a wired connection (Ethernet) to my home's WiFi/Wired LAN. A wired connection eliminates any negative impact of lossy streams on WiFi bandwidth. My iOS iPad OS use WiFi. Lossy streams (ACC) are supported with WiFi (or Ethernet). WiFi AirPlay is easier to set up.

I can stream Apple Music and YouTube Music media from a Mac mini, and iOS/iPadOS devices.

There are issues and limitations to this solution.

1. Your WiiM’s optical input may be unavailable because it’s needed for another device.

2. Adding the Apple device is straightforward and inexpensive, but it takes time and energy.

3. The Apple devices are classified by Apple as Obsolete. There is no Apple support whatsoever.

4. Apple Music Apps’ Settings (playback) must be configured to enable lossless media for streaming and downloads.

5. All downloaded media must be lossless. This means previous ACC downloads must be replaced (deleted, then downloaded again). However, existing Music Libraary AIFF and WAV streams work as is.

6. Apple Music lossless content from iOS and iPadOS devices will be converted to AAC lossy media with newer Apple devices that use AirPlay 2. Only devices limited to AirPlay 1 can stream lossless content from iOS and iPadOS.

7. Apples hi-res lossless media (24-bit, 192 kHz) is not supported. The maximum supported file quality is 24-bit/48 kHz.

8. MacOS lossless streams over AirPlay 1 require the MacOS system-wide audio preferences are set to the AirPlay 1 device (Control Panel icon in the Finder upper menu bar). Next, the AirPlay 1 device is selected in the Apple Music app. Any time the Control Panel is set to another device, the AirPlay 1 must be chosen. I guess this be done using a MacOS Shortcut too.

I’ve had succes using: Apple Airport Express gen 1 model A1264 as well as Apple TV gen 3 Model A1469. These devces are easy to find on EBAY for $15 - $60.

I decided to use an Apple TV Gen 3 becuase it’s simpler to setup. You don’t need an Apple ID to use AirPlay streaming. The Apple TV Gen 3 optical port supprts HE-AAC (V1), AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Apple Lossless, (ALAC) AIFF, WAV and Dolby Digital 5.1 surround-sound pass-through.