More Watts


New member
Jul 2, 2024
I'm just holding back from a purchase as I need more Watts. Dynamic passages in larger rooms
When watts are cheap and easy in class D , please please offer a higher wattage amp. Asap.
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I also hope that soon a wiim amp 2 will come out with 2x100w (2x200w 4ohm)
- i use the wiim amp with my buchardt audio p300 and am satisfied but a little more wattage would be ideal 😉
There have been speculations around something like a "WiiM Amp Ultra" on this forum for quite some time. Since WiiM did never promise anything going into this direction we have to wait and see. :)
thanks for the information.
i have never been happy with marantz, denon and co. - the software from wiim has completely convinced me, including the energy management. they have really implemented exactly what was long overdue.

if they optimize the wiim amp with watt even further, it's a dream. i'm willing to pay 500-700 dollars for more power.
the wiim material is really addictive.
Croft all valve pre and series 7 R power. Denon CD and Linn LP12. Harbeth C7 es3.
Nice 👍🏻 I wouldn’t mind a beefier version but it seems (and probably for good reason) WiiM thinks 60 watts at 8 ohms and 120 at 4 will reach more people. We’ll see maybe they’ll surprise us next year.
I'm just holding back from a purchase as I need more Watts. Dynamic passages in larger rooms
When watts are cheap and easy in class D , please please offer a higher wattage amp. Asap.
Doubling the power of an amp only gives a 3 dB increase in perceived volume -- not much if your system is currently not reaching the volume or desired dynamic impact you want. I doubt that the majority of WiiM customer would be all that interested in them bringing out an amp with hundreds of watts at 8 ohms. But, who knows??
There have been speculations around something like a "WiiM Amp Ultra" on this forum for quite some time. Since WiiM did never promise anything going into this direction we have to wait and see. :)

Agreed. If I was looking for a more powerful amplifier I would wait...