Multiple room disconnecting issues and more


Sep 9, 2023
A few niggling issues..
Added a second Mini to my house. I can't seem to disconnect the main first one from the list. The check box stays grayed out. I can only uncheck the added new one. Any advice?

Second issue - is there anyway to completely shut down a wiim mini without disconnecting the usb-c from the device or using an on/off power bank?
Thanks for any help on both.
These are wonderful streamers for the money. :)
I can't seem to disconnect the main first one from the list. The check box stays grayed out. I can only uncheck the added new one. Any advice?
The first one in the list is the 'master'. Any other wiims added to it are 'slaves'.
The master is always in the group; you just remove slaves as desired until none are left, then the master becomes its own device again.

is there anyway to completely shut down a wiim mini...
I don't think so, no.
I see. So no way to have the master not connect automatically? That's inconvenient. I'd like the slave to play without the master at all. At one point they were playing different tracks altogether of same album Quite the mess. :rolleyes:
I guess only physical removal of master will do the trick.
I see. So no way to have the master not connect automatically? That's inconvenient. I'd like the slave to play without the master at all. At one point they were playing different tracks altogether of same album Quite the mess. :rolleyes:
I guess only physical removal of master will do the trick.
If a device isn’t grouped with another, it will play independently, so if you had used the link symbol to initially group them and then unticked one, both devices can then operate separately - all you have to do is select/tap the device you want to play on on the main devices screen then select your music source.