My first Album/CD/Cassette/Download was …..


Major Contributor
Nov 22, 2022
The first album that you bought with your own money in whichever format, was what?
Album in whichever format not Single.

Try to include a bit of narrative about the experience.

I’ll kick off with Slade’s Play it Loud. I bought the LP in Rumbelows in Epsom in January 1972 partly with a Record Token that I had got for Christmas 1971. I had already got a copy of their single Coz I Luv You. I was a mere 13 at the time.

Play It Loud aka the skinhead album isn’t like their foot stomping glam rock stuff really but it does show the beginnings of their strong song writing ability and is probably closest to Slade In Flame than any of their other albums. It’s not their debut album but is the first under the name Slade.

Still holds a very special and worthy place in my collection
