New WiiM Home App on Windows and MAC

I am new here.
How can I integrate my qubuz albums list into this windows programme.
It works without any problems in the Android app, but I can't do it in the Windows appI would appreciate help and an explanation.

Kind regards
You currently can’t - the Windows app is still just an early beta and doesn’t include streaming services. The WiiM Home app is best experienced on Android or iOS
You currently can’t - the Windows app is still just an early beta and doesn’t include streaming services. The WiiM Home app is best experienced on Android or iOS
The Windows App has been updated to 0.1.6 beta
Not that different from 0.1.5 beta, but I suggest trying it out
Norton says "no!" and immediately removes the 0.1.6 installer. Does anyone else have this problem? It's a bit weird because if I look at the "Origin" scan, they are perfectly happy with

Filename: WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exe
Threat name: WS.Reputation.1Full Path: C:\Users\philp\Downloads\WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exe



On computers as of
09/06/2024 at 23:29:23

Last Used
09/06/2024 at 23:32:08

Startup Item
Threat type: Insight Network Threat. There are many indications that this file is untrustworthy and therefore not safe


WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exeThreat name: WS.Reputation.1

Few Users
Fewer than 100 users in the Norton Community have used this file.

This file was released 24 days ago.

This file risk is medium.

____________________________ Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exe
Downloaded File from
Source: External Media

WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exe


File Actions

File: C:\Users\philp\Downloads\WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exeRemoved


File Thumbprint - SHA:
File Thumbprint - MD5:
Unfortunate that on Mac it wants to overwrite the App Store installed version. Perhaps called it something else?
Norton says "no!" and immediately removes the 0.1.6 installer. Does anyone else have this problem? It's a bit weird because if I look at the "Origin" scan, they are perfectly happy with

Filename: WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exe
Threat name: WS.Reputation.1Full Path: C:\Users\philp\Downloads\WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exe



On computers as of
09/06/2024 at 23:29:23

Last Used
09/06/2024 at 23:32:08

Startup Item
Threat type: Insight Network Threat. There are many indications that this file is untrustworthy and therefore not safe


WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exeThreat name: WS.Reputation.1

Few Users
Fewer than 100 users in the Norton Community have used this file.

This file was released 24 days ago.

This file risk is medium.

____________________________ Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exe
Downloaded File from
Source: External Media

WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exe


File Actions

File: C:\Users\philp\Downloads\WiiM Home Setup Beta v0.1.6.exeRemoved


File Thumbprint - SHA:
File Thumbprint - MD5:
As long as you got the exe from Wiim servers, I would trust it, over Norton AV
But unknown sources are another story
Hey guys, I know nothing about streamers, would like to know if i can command the streamer from my pc, choosing the files/streaming tracks from qobuz on the wiim app on my pc. An awnser will be greatly appreciated!
Hey guys, I know nothing about streamers, would like to know if i can command the streamer from my pc, choosing the files/streaming tracks from qobuz on the wiim app on my pc. An awnser will be greatly appreciated!
I don't think so, or not without some extra software and tinkering anyway..
The WiiM PC app doesn't integrate streaming service yet, and Qobuz connect (to send/control music directly to a player) doesn't exist yet.
The WiiM is really intended to be controlled from you mobile, to play audio from your PC you would need to use one of the supported protocols, Chromecast, Airplay, Squeezelite, or DLNA. You could try casting from your browser or using an app like Airfoil to capture system audio and send to the WiiM.
It's working e.g. using Tidal Connect from their Windows app.

But since Qobuz doesn't have their own connect protocol yet, this is not an option, indeed.