No Cover via Nas


Aug 13, 2023
Hello friends,

I am a new Wiim user and I love it. Bought the Mini a couple of days ago and just ordered a Pro.
The only thing I am really missing is Multichannel and Dolby Atmos support.

But now to my problem: I have all my music library stored on a Nas. A hard drive directly connected to my router, which functions as Nas (a Fritz!Box 4060). On the Wiim no album art is shown. On Bubbleupnp and other Nas player the art is displayed correctly. The cover are stored within the Audiofiles and as cover.jpg or folder.jpg in the folders.

I tried everything, but no luck. I need your help. What can I do?

Thank you very much
I just found a handful of tracks in my library that show the cover. They are all mp3s. Flac, m4a don't show anything. The mp3 covers thta are shown, are without logic. For example: In one album of 20 tracks, only 3 show up. The rest is without cover. This makes no sense, because the cover are there on every other player for the entire albums.
Try submitting a ticket to WiiM via the feedback section in the WiiM Home app to see if your log files have any clues.

Is the artwork embedded in the files, or as a folder.jpg file in the album folder in the tracks that do/don’t work?
For example: In one album of 20 tracks, only 3 show up. The rest is without cover.
And all 20 tracks have the exact same emdedded artwork or cover.jpg/folder.jpg?

Given that BubbleUPnP is showing the artwork your server must be sending it (although I would triple check with Hi-Fi Cast or mconnect), so it must be a limitation of the WiiM Home App. Whenever I've seen this before it's usually size/resolution related.

I'd pick an album, remove all embedded and accompanying artwork then re-index and view within BubbleUPnP to make sure nothing shows. At this point the WHA should also show no artwork. Then I'd repeat the process, first with loading an external image (one that is already showing in the MP3's), and eventually with embedded until you hopefully find the common denominator.

I rarely use the WHA but when I do I've never had artwork problems, but then I use a relatively modest 600x600 @~150KB and store them as folder.jpg.

Out of interest, what media server does the Fritzbox use?
Thank you for all your ideas. My audio library contains more than 100k files. Mostly flac, m4a & mp3s.

I tried what you Simbun suggested. I took 3 albums and redid the tagging and renewed the covers in mp3tag. All in 500x500 pixel.

Now something interesting happened. One mp3 Album (Only embedded cover) started to show some tracks with the cover. Another mp3 album (embedded cover and cover.jpg & folder.jpg in the folder) did not show any cover at all. As I deleted the jpgs, the cover started to appear (only on a few files, not all). Strange!!!
I redid the same with flac files. Sadly no cover at all. Neither with embedded only, or embedded and jpgs in the folder.

This does not make any sense to me. To you guys?

Thanks again!
Without seeing the metadata that's sent from the media server to the control point it's impossible to say what's at fault. It could be that artwork is only being sent for a few tracks and BubbleUPnP is filling in the blanks, but it doesn't sound like it's a format/resolution problem.

Do you know what media server is being used?
Without seeing the metadata that's sent from the media server to the control point it's impossible to say what's at fault. It could be that artwork is only being sent for a few tracks and BubbleUPnP is filling in the blanks, but it doesn't sound like it's a format/resolution problem.

Do you know what media server is being used?
I think its their own media server
The only other thing I can suggest is to enable logging in BubbleUPnP, which I think will show you the returned XML from the Fritzbox.

More > Settings > Control: Logging to file

Make sure you turn it off afterwards though!

You're looking for the string XML or DIDL, or search for the name of the album that was returned. Each track should have an associated artwork URL. Format the XML using an online XML formatter to make it easy to read.

Feel free to paste the XML here for any further help but don't paste everything in the BubbleUPnP logging as it may contain sensitive network information

WiiM should also be able to identify the root cause from the logging provided by the app
Assuming the debug log does contain the xml they'll be a separate XML section for each browse step, so if you shut down the app once you've reached the track listing it should be the last in the log file.
Don't you think this is most likely to be a memory limitation on the part of the WiiM coupled with the non standard DLNA server?

100k tracks is a lot
Don't you think this is most likely to be a memory limitation on the part of the WiiM coupled with the non standard DLNA server?

100k tracks is a lot
As long as the OP isn't trying to list all the tracks in their collection the WiiM only receives XML containing track metadata for as many tracks as there are in the album selected. It then simply displays the metadata and connects to the Fritzbox for any artwork.
WiiM used to page results (tell the media server to cap the results and only display those until the user requested more) so even if you were to request every track from the collection it would cope, but I think that changed - for some reason - some time ago, so I have no idea if it would cope with the display of 100,000 tracks.
I did the logging. I am no expert and hope I did it right and copied the necessary parts into the txt file. You can find the file attached.
I only see one track in that log, I was expecting/hoping to see the entire track listing to be able to check that every track has artwork attributed. It may be that BubbleUPnP simply doesn't log it.

I've been away a few days but I'm back this afternoon so I'll check my end.
I tried something else. I unplugged my big Nasdrive and replaced it with a small one, with only 3 albums on it. I Did index it and every cover showed up at Bubbleupnp, but again not in the Wiim Home App.

I made a new log with those 3 albums. I see a lot of warnings in it: "bad XML found: replaced DIDLLite prefix". Maybe this is the problem.


Have you tried using a different media server? Is that possible?
What about trying that small drive plugged into a pc with a media server running on that, such as mininserver or kodi?
i.e. seems likely the issue is with the media server as many others don't have this issue with other modems / nases (is that the plural?!), but issues have been seen with some media servers.
I made a new log with those 3 albums. I see a lot of warnings in it: "bad XML found: replaced DIDLLite prefix". Maybe this is the problem.
The problem with using BubbleUPnP as a reference is that it'll work with just about any misbehaving server or renderer you throw at it.
I'll take a look at the log shortly but it might be worth trying something like mconnect to see how it copes.
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