Question about streaming Qobuz via WiiM Pro Plus


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024
hi all
This may have been discussed elsewhere, but I can't find it. I'm using Qobuz and WiiM Pro Plus. And I love it.
Question is this - is there a difference in sound quality output from using Qobuz from within the WiiM Home app versus from using Qobuz streamed to the WiiM Pro Plus via a Chromecast connection? (I personally cannot hear a difference, but that's not to say that one way is definitely BETTER than the other... )
Thanks for any insight and thoughts on this!
Adam 🙏
Qobuz via the WiiM app delivers up to 24/192, while ChromeCast from the Qobuz app is capped by Qobuz at 24/96 because of stability issues (according to Qobuz). Hopefully the upcoming Qobuz Connect will do away with this cap
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Audible differences in sound quality between Qobuz via WiiM app OR via Chromecast could implicate something like a religious war ;-)
The no-go for me is that Chromecast is not gapless.
Qobuz via the WiiM app delivers up to 24/192, while ChromeCast from the Qobuz app is capped by Qobuz at 24/96 because of stability issues (according to Qobuz). Hopefully the upcoming Qobuz Connect will do away with this cap
This answers my question perfectly, thank you. WiiM app it is then. Until the much-fabled Qobuz Connect arrives.
In fact... even in a listening test... I've just played this same Goldfrapp tune via Chromecast and then directly from the Wiim app > and the HD difference is DEFINITELY audible.


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Interesting. So you hear a clear difference in the same (96 khz) track via WHA and Chromecast?
You still didn't state what that loose connection made you prefer, did you? 😇
I've just started trying to Chromecast Quobuz on a pro plus. It can't make it through one album without disconnecting. Perhaps it has an anti prog rock filter!
I've had no issues with the Wiim app in terms of reliability but it's not as nice to use as the native quobuz app, hence why I wanted to use Chromecast.
Is it this unreliable generally?
Just adding that there is a third alternative which is Qobuz via LMS using the WiiM Pro Squeezelite client. This will give you 24/192 and gapless with no issue.
I've just started trying to Chromecast Quobuz on a pro plus. It can't make it through one album without disconnecting. ...
Is it this unreliable generally?
Me too. Chromecast sounds fine, and allows me to use the native Qobuz app, but it's just so flakey. I guess it could be any one of
  • The Qobuz app
  • The Google Home app and associated Chromecast protocol stuff
  • The WiiM Pro
or a combination of the interaction between any two of them.

Typical problems:
  • playing stops
  • what's actually playing, and what the Qobuz app says is playing, comes adrift.
  • playing becomes uncontrollable 'cos Android reckons casting has stopped, even though the music continues
  • the Qobuz app freezes with the pop-up "Connecting to WiiM Receiver", even though the music plays
  • Chromecast icon doesn't appear in the Qobuz app
Sit down for much more than an hour of casting and one of these hassles will crop up, for me. I'm surprised no one else (other than @Mike ) has noticed this?
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I find the Qobuz output via the WIIM app much too sibilant and always use the Qobuz app. 192KHz is just a small minority of all the music on Qobuz and if I want to listen it I'll use LMS functionality. The difference between 96Khz and 192Khz is hardly audible anyway.
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