Running very hot

Hah, no. I have the bass reflex one, I planned to make the horn ones, but I have no space for them.
Latest FW, I always run latest FW on my devices, even when it bites me in the rear. I was just wondering, since we are still in winter and the ambient temperatures are at 25°C max. It will be a bit warmer in summer.
WiiM (like most all companies) are rolling out firmware changes in stages, so what is offered to you through the WiiM Home App might or just might not be the latest. It should read 5.0.605563 right now.

The reason I was asking was a bug that has been fixed some time ago, just to rule this out. It probably wasn't really related to your question anyway, I must admit, as the bug was the amp not really entering standby mode. This resulted in higher than expected temperatures when not using the amp, so different from your case.

Thermal camera, IfiRay P2 Pro.
I read a test on where they mentioned that the "emissivity factor" could not be changed when post-processing your recordings, but would always default to 0.95. So, I was wondering if you can rely on the shown temperatures to be absolutely correct.

Even if these readings are accurate, I don't see a problem here. And - as others have been pointing out before - the WiiM Amp has no problems driving a much lower load impedance than that presented by your Fostex FE126E. Are you using any notch filter with your speakers or just the plain driver?
I can change the emissivity factor. Not on the recording, but it can be done before. With the correct one for anodized aluminium (0,77), the measured temperature is 2°C higher.
And I have a feeling the heat was software related. Another update came and now it's around 9°C above ambient.

But I must say, from what I see the case is a great heat sink.
Hello, I`m the new one. Since two daysI`ve the amp, too. I use it with two speakers at 4 Ohm over wifistreaming, no TV or anything else. Latest firmware from 20thmay and use it with a smart plug to shut off in the night.

I also noticed a very high temperatureafter only 30 minutes (about 40 degrees C) Room temperature is 21degree C. The temperature also doesn't drop when the amp is onstandby. Here, the power consumption is between 3 and 10 W, and it'sconstantly fluctuating, so I wouldn't call it a standby. Otherdevices can do this a lot better. Is there a setting to reduce thetemperature and the standby consumption?

When the amp is turned on, I also havea strange sound in the room, like a muffled low hum. It's not comingout of the speakers, and I can't locate it. Anyway, it's gone as soonas I turn off the amp via the smartplug.

Anybody got a tip?
Hello, I`m the new one. Since two daysI`ve the amp, too. I use it with two speakers at 4 Ohm over wifistreaming, no TV or anything else. Latest firmware from 20thmay and use it with a smart plug to shut off in the night.

I also noticed a very high temperatureafter only 30 minutes (about 40 degrees C) Room temperature is 21degree C. The temperature also doesn't drop when the amp is onstandby. Here, the power consumption is between 3 and 10 W, and it'sconstantly fluctuating, so I wouldn't call it a standby. Otherdevices can do this a lot better. Is there a setting to reduce thetemperature and the standby consumption?

When the amp is turned on, I also havea strange sound in the room, like a muffled low hum. It's not comingout of the speakers, and I can't locate it. Anyway, it's gone as soonas I turn off the amp via the smartplug.

Anybody got a tip?
Check if your firmware is up to date in the WIiM app and device settings/device info.

Also, is the amp new and did you buy it from an accredited retailer?

Edit: also see this link to check your device PCB version
Firmware is 617255 from 2024-05-17; IOS App is 2.9.9.
PCB Ver. is "5", bought at amazon Germany on 30.5. as new device.
The file shows also cpu temp at 42 degree C after 20 min. of streaming. Is this correct? (I don`t use standby because of the power consumption during time I don`t use amp. I shut off via smart plug).
My device gets warmer than 37° Celsius while listening to music (reference is my hand), but cools down while inactive. As long as 42° Celsius doesn’t stay while standby I would say everything’s ok.
Firmware is 617255 from 2024-05-17; IOS App is 2.9.9.
PCB Ver. is "5", bought at amazon Germany on 30.5. as new device.
The file shows also cpu temp at 42 degree C after 20 min. of streaming. Is this correct? (I don`t use standby because of the power consumption during time I don`t use amp. I shut off via smart plug).
I wouldn't worry about cpu temp 42, mine is showing 45 degrees after more than one hours streaming, and the casing is barely warm to the touch.
Going by what others have mentioned, and from my experience, I don’t think your running temperature is something to worry about.