Support for Naxos Music Library?


Nov 29, 2023
Hello, hope this is the right board to post this on.

I've recently discovered the Naxos Music Library, which is supposedly the biggest library of music available to stream anywhere on the web. Does anybody know if there's any way to use a WiiM device to stream NML content? NML has an Android app, but no Chromecast support, and the only other way of accessing it (apart from the Apple app) seems to be via a web interface. I've resorted to a Bluetooth connection from the app to my WiiM Pro, which is not ideal but works as an interim measure.
You could try the Audio Cast functionality within the BubbleUPnP Android app.
Here's the changelog from the version that introduced this feature
Thank you, this is extremely helpful. I'd never heard of BubbleUPnP but it does exactly what I need it to, and more: it has plenty of other potential uses I can already think of! I had it working within a few minutes of downloading the app. Brilliantly helpful answer, thanks again.
Thank you, this is extremely helpful. I'd never heard of BubbleUPnP but it does exactly what I need it to, and more: it has plenty of other potential uses I can already think.
Depending on your other uses, you might also want to look at the companion software BubbleUPnP Server which offers a host of additional functionality.

BubbleUPnP when coupled with MinimServer (especially the licensed version) is a combination hard to beat for local media content.