TV display

Steve Woodhouse

Major Contributor
Aug 11, 2023
I know I’m flogging a dead horse, but really, if you could just introduce this.

Go to the video below, 1:14 to 1:49.

The image on the TV at 1:40, just give us that please.

Not everyone will either want it use it, but there are surely enough of us who’ll will to make it worthwhile.

Thank you.
Upvote 2
I didn't participate in the Plex Beta, but someone else did (@hoohoohoo maybe?). He had the same issue with not showing the album cover. Until it did... I think a simple reload/restart did the trick(?).

Can't remember if I came around to add a Plex icon as the identifier though...
Edit: No I didn't :) Next stop: Plex testing since it is out of beta.
As far as I know you don't have to be a Beta tester to use the feature. I think it's just in the beta stage and accessible to everyone.

I keep pressing post reply too soon...

Here's something you can do now:
Add /debug to the wiim-now-playing url.
On the debug page you will find the Metadata section with the raw data the WiiM is spitting out.
Under that you can find the 'Album Art URI' extracted.
Check to see if that url is valid, e.g. copy paste it to a new browser tab and see if you do get the artwork.
Thanks! Will try that after work. But it's gonna be a rough ride to implement it into my code since I don't really have any coding skills. 😅
Okay I open the Album Art URI and I get a high risk and security warning right away. I proceeded and the cover comes up. I then opened the now playing screen again and suddenly the cover is there.
Maybe you have to verify that you want to open the unsecure connection once and then the browser can connect to it. I just hope the browser does remember that.
I added a case "plex" under getSourceIdent and linked it to the .png and now the source icon is correct. 😀
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I think I found the issue with Plex. The Album Art is provided over https://, but the server certificate doesn't get recognized and/or is deemed invalid. Unless you specifically tell it to ignore it, which is what you did by verifying (clicking on) the unsecure connection.

My Plex Media Server is running on a local NAS, which doesn't have any certificate to serve over https://. And I'm not investing in installing certificates on it.
I'll probably try and cook something up to check for https:// and replace with http://, which doesn't complain in my browser.

On a side note: I shouldn't have let PMS index my entire music collection... it takes ages to scan everything. ;)
Amazing, thanks!
What do you mean by loading the client directly via the ip-adress? Can you load it in another way apart vom localhost?
Sure you can, there are three ways:
  1. The computer or machine where wiim-now-playing runs can be reached through http://localhost, if you are working on that same machine.
  2. Obviously your network will assign this computer a local ip-address (starting either with something like 10.0.0.x or 192.169.0.x). So you can use http://192.168.0.x to get to it from another machine. Say a browser app on your tv.
    Note: the ip-address isn't fixed so if for instance you reboot your isp modem/router, things may get reassigned. And you have to look it up again.
  3. But the same computer can also be reached by its name e.g. http://hostname.local, where hostname is the name you gave to the computer. Which is a lot easier to remember than the specific ip-address of the machine, which may change over time. (Look up mDNS if you want to know more)
The Plex album art apparently only works when using localhost or the ip-address, and fails using the computername. :(

You can find your current ip and hostname via the Settings icon (in the latest versions).