Universal remote support


Jan 5, 2024
it would be the proverbial cherry on the sundae if WiiM would offer support for universal Bluetooth remote pairing. I’m honestly surprised more people aren’t asking for this, or maybe I’m just out of touch as to the number of people who might be trying to use a WiiM as their home theater hub, it’s feature set is perfect for such a use case).

I’d like to use something like a sofabaton, or honestly even a chromecast wgtv remote, to control the WiiM’s volume at the very least (or even use the WiiM remote to control the chromecast wgtv, I think it’s just basically a firestick remote at heart). These devices support Bluetooth as the WiiM does, and the google tv software already allows for easy integration of external audio hardware.

WiiM, please put this feature into effect. I think it is extremely limiting and myopic limitation of your device to only offer a single remote solution, given the at this point decades long history of universal remote support by the hifi market.
Upvote 18
So I've tried with both "other" and "Android TV". It pairs successfully, but the only function that appears to work is mute/unmute. The rest of the buttons cause lights on the wiim to flicker but nothing else.

Also, as soon as you communicate with another Bluetooth device, or pair the remote to your phone to make changes, the wiim loses pairing requiring you to set up the remote again.

In short, no it doesn't work. Would be great if it did though.
Struggling with the same here (no universal remote support). I’m trying to use Logitech Harmony to control the play/pause and prev/next controls (not using the volume on my Wiim Mini and ProPlus).
I read somewhere that you can pair the Wiim as a computer and tried it. It worked with the Mini as a Windows computer, but then it stopped working and I’m not able to pair it again since. With the ProPlus it never worked - neither as Windows, nor as Mac.

It’s quite annoying, since it really worked for a couple of minutes. Otherwise i’d just think it might be impossible.
If only the Beoremote One BT was able to connect…
Beautiful design and more shortcuts, that’s all I need.
I also want to be able to pair my Sofabaton U2 with my wiim pro plus.
Now the wiim pro plus can be paired only with the wiim remote. And that's it.
But is a lot more convenient to be able to use my Sofabaton for all my devices including wiim.

This is a strong request to the WiiM people.
Cannot stress how much I would love this! I use a Logitech Harmony and have set up a macro for everything. I use only this remote to control the TV, STB, AVR/Amp, BR Player and FireStick.

I was able to set up a macro so the amp goes into the correct input for the WiiM, I just wish I was able to control the WiIM from my Harmony remote, if only to be able to swap inputs between WiFi and Optical In!
I just bought the Wiim Pro Plus and have setup a very basic Logitech Harmony Activity following the instructions in this video:
All done using Home Assistant with Emulated Roku and a Harmony hub/Elite
I also used the Blueprint from the link from the description of the video.
Just few Euros of donation but helped a lot.
Not perfect but a good starting point.

My main universal remote is a Harmony 650 that is IR only and I can't use it with this setup.
I have a FLIRC USB 2 stored somewhere around and when I find it I'll connect it to the Home Assistant machine and have it translate Harmony 650 IR codes to the Emulated Roku/Wiim.

My original plan was another one.
And that was to control the Wiim Pro Plus through a HTPC Windows PC running the Wiim Home App.
I already control the HTPC with the Harmony 650 that sends IR codes to a Hauppauge USB DVB-T tuner connected to the PC.
In the Hauppauge control software you setup keyboard shortcuts that the remote will send to the application currently in focus on Windows.
That would have been perfect and possibly the best solution.
The problem is that the Wiim Home App on Windows is very basic and doesn't support keyboard shortcuts.
It doesn't even react to the standard Media Keys (Play, Pause, Next,...) from the regular keyboard.
So useless for that purpose.

I still have the Activity setup to switch to the PC video input so I can see the Wiim App in fullscreen as a NowPlaying screen.
It's just that the controls are through Home Assistant.

Anyway, all too complicated for normal use.
And my description is probably not helping in making it easier and more comprehensive.
I have the "luxury" of being the only user of this setup so I can play with it.
Not sure if any of the above can be used in a normal family setup.
I just bought the Wiim Pro Plus and have setup a very basic Logitech Harmony Activity following the instructions in this video:
All done using Home Assistant with Emulated Roku and a Harmony hub/Elite
I also used the Blueprint from the link from the description of the video.
Just few Euros of donation but helped a lot.
Not perfect but a good starting point.

My main universal remote is a Harmony 650 that is IR only and I can't use it with this setup.
I have a FLIRC USB 2 stored somewhere around and when I find it I'll connect it to the Home Assistant machine and have it translate Harmony 650 IR codes to the Emulated Roku/Wiim.

My original plan was another one.
And that was to control the Wiim Pro Plus through a HTPC Windows PC running the Wiim Home App.
I already control the HTPC with the Harmony 650 that sends IR codes to a Hauppauge USB DVB-T tuner connected to the PC.
In the Hauppauge control software you setup keyboard shortcuts that the remote will send to the application currently in focus on Windows.
That would have been perfect and possibly the best solution.
The problem is that the Wiim Home App on Windows is very basic and doesn't support keyboard shortcuts.
It doesn't even react to the standard Media Keys (Play, Pause, Next,...) from the regular keyboard.
So useless for that purpose.

I still have the Activity setup to switch to the PC video input so I can see the Wiim App in fullscreen as a NowPlaying screen.
It's just that the controls are through Home Assistant.

Anyway, all too complicated for normal use.
And my description is probably not helping in making it easier and more comprehensive.
I have the "luxury" of being the only user of this setup so I can play with it.
Not sure if any of the above can be used in a normal family setup.

Absolutely over complex ROFL.

Wiim should simply offer IR support. Not interested until they do

Check out the WiiM HTTP API. It might give you more capabilities from your setup by using Harmony remote buttons to trigger HTTP commands.

Thank you for the suggestion.
I have already seen it and used it to correct a not so perfect play/pause toggle implemented in the home assistant
I'm OK with how the whole setup works with the Harmony Hub.
What I don't like is the the physical remote that works with the Harmony Hub.
I don't like how the buttons feel and the buttons layout on it.
But I really love and am used to the Harmony 650 remote.
That's why I'm trying to find a way to communicate with the Wiim through IR commands as those are the only ones I can use on the Harmony 650
Thank you for the suggestion.
I have already seen it and used it to correct a not so perfect play/pause toggle implemented in the home assistant
I'm OK with how the whole setup works with the Harmony Hub.
What I don't like is the the physical remote that works with the Harmony Hub.
I don't like how the buttons feel and the buttons layout on it.
But I really love and am used to the Harmony 650 remote.
That's why I'm trying to find a way to communicate with the Wiim through IR commands as those are the only ones I can use on the Harmony 650
Comment #18 is the closest I've seen to achieving this but is probably constrained by the limited range of the WiiM/Linksys HTTP API.
Comment #18 is the closest I've seen to achieving this but is probably constrained by the limited range of the WiiM/Linksys HTTP API.
I'll keep trying till I run out of hardware I already have and till I hit the wall of my limited brain capabilites.
And I'm really close to both limits.

Probably the last thing I'll try is to incorporate Flirc USB in the setup.
I just connected it to my android tablet and I can control Play/Pause, Next, Prev on Spotify and Tidal with the Media Keys on the Harmony 650
But the Wiim app doesn't react to them.
The same behaviour as on Windows.

Next thing is to connect Flirc to Home Assistant.
But that one is running on my Synology NAS in another room.
I'll have to find a way for the HTPC to send IR commands to it over the network.
This could involve installing another instance of Home Assistance on the HTPC.
All very time and energy consuming.

I was too optimistic when buying the Wiim Pro Plus and thought I could solve this and have it setup to my liking in an easier and faster way.
But it looks like, for my usage, a used or new Onkyo receiver could have been a better choice.
Before buying the Wiim I tried an Onkyo TX-8470 in a local store.
It does all the things I need apart for Room Correction and I doubt it will get much software updates in the future.
But the way it works today is closer to my needs than the Wiim Pro Plus.

Anyway, there are worst problems than this in the world so can't complaint... too much
This can be adapted to any IR remote with a bit of Python coding.
That's what @Brantome was also suggesting:
Comment #18 is the closest I've seen to achieving this but is probably constrained by the limited range of the WiiM/Linksys HTTP API.
I'm not a coder.
I'm just a "normal" user with already way too many small hardware piling around the house.
As I said, I'll try to set it up with the hardware and knowledge I already have.
I'll give it another chance with Flirc and if that doens't work leave it as it is for now.
Not sure if it is of any help or interest to anyone but I'll write it anyway.
My excuses in advance to everyone for the long read and to @Schoepsplease for hijacking the thread.

I have the IR remote working with Wiim Pro Plus through Flirc and Home Assistant:
- installed Home Assistant in a virtual machine on my Windows NUC under the TV. A basic installation is fine, as nothing special is needed.
- integrated FLIRC into Home Assistant as a "keyboard_remote" just by adding few lines in the main Home Assistant configuration file
- added shell_commands to the same configuration file where you tell Home Assistant all the API calls you want to integrate
- pressed all the keys on the remote and noted how Home Assistant is seeing each remote keystroke
- created an automation in Home Assistant where each keystroke sends an api call to my Wiim on the local IP address

For now I have setup only Play/pause, next, prev.
The reactions to keystrokes seem to be quick and reliable.
I'll try to incorporate more functions in the future but for that it would be great to get an updated list of HTTP API calls.
The PDF file with the list for the Mini seems missing some functions like preset calls and output switch.
Or it could be just me not seeing it.

At the end, having all the hardware ready and having where to install Home Assistant on, the whole setup process could probably take less than 30min.
As I said, I'm just a "normal" user and even I managed to do it just following few guides from the internet.
If anyone wants to go the same path, here are some useful links:
Flirc USB: https://flirc.tv/products/flirc-usb-receiver?variant=43513067569384
Home Assistant installation: https://www.home-assistant.io/installation
Flirc with HA: https://thehelpfulidiot.com/controlling-home-assistant-with-an-old-remote
Wiim Mini HTTP API: https://www.wiimhome.com/pdf/HTTP API for WiiM Mini.pdf

- example lines added to configuration.yaml:
- device_name: 'flirc.tv flirc Keyboard'
type: 'key_down'
wiim_pause_toggle: curl -k
-example lines added to automations.yaml:
 alias: Wiim Flirc
description: ''
- platform: event
event_type: keyboard_remote_command_received
id: Play
device_name: flirc.tv flirc Keyboard
key_code: 164
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- Play
- service: shell_command.wiim_pause_toggle
data: {}
mode: single

I came across an old Windows Media Center remote and usb/ir dongle so thought I’d give this a go, so I dug out my Pi 3B and installed Home Assistant for the first time.

However, I fear I might be missing a software component or add-on as while the dongle appears as “ /dev/input/by-id/usb-Formosa21_SnowflakeEmulation_CC007887-event-if00” and I added the following lines
- device_name: 'windows media remote'
type: 'key_down'
to the configuration file and restarted, I get nothing in the event log when listening for the “keyboard_remote_command_received” event as per the link even though I can see the red light go on the dongle when I press a key on the remote.

Not really sure where to go with it…
I came across an old Windows Media Center remote and usb/ir dongle so thought I’d give this a go, so I dug out my Pi 3B and installed Home Assistant for the first time.

However, I fear I might be missing a software component or add-on as while the dongle appears as “ /dev/input/by-id/usb-Formosa21_SnowflakeEmulation_CC007887-event-if00” and I added the following lines
- device_name: 'windows media remote'
type: 'key_down'
to the configuration file and restarted, I get nothing in the event log when listening for the “keyboard_remote_command_received” event as per the link even though I can see the red light go on the dongle when I press a key on the remote.

Not really sure where to go with it…
I think the MCE sensor and remote would more likely be a LIRC integration into Home Assistant.
I have one too and tried to implement it into Home Assistant few months ago with no luck.
Didn't give it much effort though as I remember reading somewhere that the LIRC integration in Home Assistant is buggy or maybe not even working.
Seconds after that I found the working FLIRC integration and never went back to try the MCE remote.

Here is how my Home Assistant sees the FLIRC USB so maybe someone more expert can see the difference between that and a MCE remote:
DEVNAME: /dev/input/event4
ID_BUS: usb
ID_MODEL: flirc
ID_MODEL_ID: '0006'
ID_PATH: pci-0000:02:00.0-usb-0:2.2:1.1
ID_PATH_TAG: pci-0000_02_00_0-usb-0_2_2_1_1
ID_PATH_WITH_USB_REVISION: pci-0000:02:00.0-usbv1-0:2.2:1.1
ID_SERIAL: flirc.tv_flirc_31089CF2514D503534202020FF05153E
ID_SERIAL_SHORT: 31089CF2514D503534202020FF05153E
ID_TYPE: hid
ID_USB_SERIAL: flirc.tv_flirc_31089CF2514D503534202020FF05153E
ID_USB_SERIAL_SHORT: 31089CF2514D503534202020FF05153E
ID_USB_VENDOR: flirc.tv
ID_VENDOR: flirc.tv
ID_VENDOR_ENC: flirc.tv
MAJOR: '13'
MINOR: '68'
TAGS: ':power-switch:'
USEC_INITIALIZED: '7186081565'
Thanks, here’s the corresponding info for the MCE dongle:

DEVNAME: /dev/input/event0
ID_BUS: usb
ID_MODEL: SnowflakeEmulation
ID_MODEL_ENC: SnowflakeEmulation
ID_PATH: platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.5:1.0
ID_PATH_TAG: platform-3f980000_usb-usb-0_1_5_1_0
ID_PATH_WITH_USB_REVISION: platform-3f980000.usb-usbv2-0:1.5:1.0
ID_SERIAL: Formosa21_SnowflakeEmulation_CC007887
ID_TYPE: generic
ID_USB_MODEL: SnowflakeEmulation
ID_USB_MODEL_ENC: SnowflakeEmulation
ID_USB_SERIAL: Formosa21_SnowflakeEmulation_CC007887
ID_USB_TYPE: generic
ID_USB_VENDOR: Formosa21
ID_VENDOR: Formosa21
ID_VENDOR_ENC: Formosa21
MAJOR: '13'
MINOR: '64'
TAGS: ':power-switch:'
I have Microsoft IR remote, btw it controls generic android amlogic box also - the built in android OS. Just a pity no method for IR control for wiim devices.