What are you listening to?

Going to see and hear them (or better an actual line up) in Bad Vilbel tonight. Elder people gathering most likely ;-) One hour drive only.

Last before burning the A67 in direction Wetteraukreis ;-)
As contrast too what is expected: Still on my way becoming best (better already) friend with this 2020 album. The Darkest Eyes (2022) and the actual A Mortal Binding (2024) are still in queue.

Wake up for today, relaxing from a disastrous Alphaville concert. Not every old hero survived in good condition. Of course the actual line up is away from the original but everything played is conserved food?! Wasted time and money.
Coming to this album. Singer Daniel Barter "weaves an additionally captivating carpet around the progressive tones with clear singing and growls" (quote German Metal Hammer) and that's how I stick with it. Admittedly, however, very few songs on Voidkind, due to the genre, got directly into my ear. However, Sarmatæ, framed by intermezzi, which is in my ear reminiscent of System Of A Down is nice. A mixture of sludge and post metal quickly leads to the feeling of something that is within reach, but is not quite achieved yet. Worth a few additional spins.

25 years ago, from a synthie pop combo to the top of Germany's alternative metal charts. Yes, such exists ;-)
This Berlin band's history was a short one.

Too much synthesizers yesterday, so diving the archive, one of my top albums 20 years ago.

On with heavy stuff. This is 15 years ago.
Exit with a bang: Wavering Radiant was able to convince in contrast to its predecessors, but was supposed to be Isis' last album. Almost a year after the release of the fifth album, the American post metalics separated. In the same year, a split EP with The Melvins followed and in 2018 they played a single reunion concert - but basically it's over with Isis.
