What are you listening to?

Does any one remember?
"Eastbourne-based synth-pop band Mobiles became one of the more eccentric one-hit wonders when the minimalist Drowning In Berlin clambered into the UK Top 10 in 1982." (Mojo)

Early morning with Schubert. Not too bad 😉 Preparing the preparation for young Lady's school preparation.
Another iconic Kleiber recording. Carlos here. Erich, the father was also one of the most important and influencing conductors of the 20th Century. You will not find an uninspired record by either father or son.

Now lets look at Twin Guitars 😉
This effort’s dual guitar sound crafted by Dick Wagner and Steve Hunter made it my fieriest album in Lou Reed’s career. Wagner's and Hunter's duets create a continuous thrilling guitar sound together that sounds like they are at least brothers in mind.

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Off topic: I tried Audirvana last night. Pleasant interface, but just too fiddly to play around with. They use Airable for the radio streams - very frustrating to find a stream as there's no search, just those regions, country lists to wade through. Trying to set up local network shares just kept crashing the program. Uninstalled!
Off topic: I tried Audirvana last night. Pleasant interface, but just too fiddly to play around with. They use Airable for the radio streams - very frustrating to find a stream as there's no search, just those regions, country lists to wade through. Trying to set up local network shares just kept crashing the program. Uninstalled!
Airable Radio is searchable on my Linn amp, maybe Audirvana just haven’t enabled/ implemented it.
Airable Radio is searchable on my Linn amp, maybe Audirvana just haven’t enabled/ implemented it.
It looks nice but I didn't like three total crashes in 30 mins. of use trying to find my network shares.

Airable offers mp3 or aac streams - couldn't detect any noticible difference. But then my hearing is pretty much rubbish these days!
And now, in the mood for some retrospectives 😉
The third album of the British Heavy Metal (Are they? Or is it Hard Rock?) icons is the last with Ronnie James Dio. "Long Live Rock'n'Roll" is not only particularly in its own genre, the fantasy themes also had a great influence on the emergence of Power Metal.
The streaming services' "De Luxe" version delivers far more material than my old vinyl. Is it necessary? Up to you, the additional tracks are a nice to have but I prefer nearly always the genuine album version.
