Major Contributor
This version has an authentic kick to it provided by Cyndi Lauper
@Achim1811 Morning mateAn organ recital on a major label is quite rare nowadays.
A bit crossover and transcriptions from well known pieces. I think not only for @Maurizioworth a try.
View attachment 3555
Fresu is one of my favourites. Have you ever tried Roberto Roberto Olzer and Enrico Pieranunzi? Both are pianistsFresu (or his publisher) released a Christmas EP yesterday and it reminded me to give some of his former albums a spin again.
This is "Chamber Jazz" I like, for though a (perfectly played) Bandoneon is on board and this is in my ears normally one of the four instruments of the Apocalypse
Stuff to float slowly into another stormy and rainy day at the shore. Take care, @ all
View attachment 3558
Thanks mate. A very good suggestion.Must be great stuff for your B&Ws...
911!!! A dream!!I like this Torque album also for this beautiful white 911....
really also not so pop ( truly not ,-) )..but if you like music from this region (even though she has been living in France for a while)
One of my best loved bands back in the Beat era. The harmony of the vocals was state of the art that days.
This compilation seems to be made for Germany only. My CD copy nevertheless was made in The Netherlands
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