What is the visual difference between Pro and Pro+?


Jul 20, 2023
I own both a Wiim Pro and Pro+. However, I failed to mark the Pro+ for identification and now I can't remember which is which. Is there a way to visually tell the difference? There is a difference in the numbers on the bottom ID plate. There may also be something that I can look up on the web app. Thanks for your help!
In your WiiM app you will be able to tell them apart.
The Pro is Model Name: ASR002, and the Pro Plus is Model Name: ASR003. The Pro Plus also has the Product Name: WiiM Pro Plus. All of this information is printed on the underside.
Thanks for all the replies. I guess I have two Pros then. The shipping box on one and my purchase history said Pro+ but these units are pretty much identical, ASR002.