What OS does the WIIM Mini and Pro Use ?


Feb 16, 2023
Can anyone confirm which Operating System the Wiim devices use or are based on ?

eg. Android, Linux etc.

I ask as I find streaming devices with different operating systems seem to have different audio characters, even if streaming 'bit perfect'
Eg. Android device streamer vs PC (windows) based streamer vs IOS based streamer

thanks in advance
Zeros and ones are no different for different OSes, so if a stream is bitperfect it will be the same regardless of the OS

I didnt want to get into those opinions as I have my own.

So perhaps I should edit and just leave the question without my reasons ?
I didnt want to get into those opinions as I have my own.

So perhaps I should edit and just leave the question without my reasons ?
I’m with @onlyoneme on this. You’re perhaps confusing the limits that some o/s and apps have by default for digital output resolution, but if so, you’ll be aware that there are means of bypassing those defaults using specific drivers. You can take it as read that the WiiM devices produce bit perfect streams at resolutions up to 24/192 so what o/s it uses is entirely irrelevant ( fyi, I believe it’s Linux….)
I am not confused, however, Thanks for the last bit

Perhaps if you explained why you think the o/s used makes a difference to a bit perfect stream, everyone else would be less confused by your question/stance :)
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Perhaps if you explained why you think the o/s used makes a difference to a bit perfect stream, everyone else would be less confused by your question/stance :)

Not really why I started this post and already regretting giving air to this particular line of inquiry 😶

I understand perfectly, the premise / theory / logic that all bit perfect streams SHOULD sound the same....being an instrument and control engineer for some 40 years, however, that is not what I find in practice.

I am interested to know the operating system of streaming devices as, in my findings, from my tests, they sound different and it seems to generally speaking come down to a character centered around OS eg. Android based, Windows based, IOS based

I am not trying to take any stance or convince anyone of anything they wish to believe or disbelieve. I have tested how I wanted to test, with the various kit at my disposal, and am convinced as much as I need to be convinced to form my opinions.

so I have my opinions, however founded, that the streaming device and OS combo do make a difference to ultimate sound character and so wish to know the operating system employed by the Wiim.

As it is Linux based, I will aim to test it myself as my comparisons have been android / Windows / IOS to date and so will be interesting, to me, to introduce Linux into that comparison (and its associated hardware & drivers ).

thanks for asking, and answering...Peace.
Well it's known that Android resamples all audio to 48Khz through the built-in mixer, iOS to 44/48Khz (switchable I think)

But obviously it doesn't run any of those two operating systems (Android having way too much overhead and iOS simply being exclusive)

Its embedded Linux definitely, but I'd be surprised if the same source file, played through the same external DAC will sound any different from the WiiM vs any other streamer or digital transport/pc.
Not really why I started this post and already regretting giving air to this particular line of inquiry 😶

I understand perfectly, the premise / theory / logic that all bit perfect streams SHOULD sound the same....being an instrument and control engineer for some 40 years, however, that is not what I find in practice.

I am interested to know the operating system of streaming devices as, in my findings, from my tests, they sound different and it seems to generally speaking come down to a character centered around OS eg. Android based, Windows based, IOS based

I am not trying to take any stance or convince anyone of anything they wish to believe or disbelieve. I have tested how I wanted to test, with the various kit at my disposal, and am convinced as much as I need to be convinced to form my opinions.

so I have my opinions, however founded, that the streaming device and OS combo do make a difference to ultimate sound character and so wish to know the operating system employed by the Wiim.

As it is Linux based, I will aim to test it myself as my comparisons have been android / Windows / IOS to date and so will be interesting, to me, to introduce Linux into that comparison (and its associated hardware & drivers ).

thanks for asking, and answering...Peace.
Any source data delivered in a bit perfect manner will remain the same as per the definition of being bit perfect. This is OS independent as bits are just bits. And it has nothing to do with how that data will "sound" in the end.
Thank you. Exactly the type of info I was inviting.
My external dac indicates 192 from both android devices over USB (full volume) and mac book Pro .over USB. That's not to say files have not been downsampled and back upsampled I guess..

Not obvious to me the Wiim are not android core, many devices are particularly if supporting chrome cast. I will take your word that Linux is more obvious.

I was surprised by the difference between devices of different OS playing same file to same external DAC, so I will likely test Wiim and linux in same way to judge for myself.

I would have preferred not to have heard a difference between streaming devices
Any source data delivered in a bit perfect manner will remain the same as per the definition of being bit perfect. This is OS independent as bits are just bits. And it has nothing to do with how that data will "sound" in the end.
Can't fault your logic
Can't fault your logic
It's not only a logic, it's based on the experience. I was capturing outgoing data on the DAC to verify if it's exactly the same as the source data. Simply because I do not believe unverified statements and plenty of people think that no sample rate change is enough to call something "bit-perfect".
It's not only a logic, it's based on the experience. I was capturing outgoing data on the DAC to verify if it's exactly the same as the source data. Simply because I do not believe unverified statements and plenty of people think that no sample rate change is enough to call something "bit-perfect".
Not sure I follow. Isn't the output from a dac an analogue signal?

Also I am not asking you to believe unverified statements.
I was asked and I explained.
You believe whatever you want.
Not sure I follow. Isn't the output from a dac an analogue signal?

Also I am not asking you to believe unverified statements.
I was asked and I explained.
You believe whatever you want.
I've meant digital output of the streamer captured on the DAC.