WiiM Amp down to £269 on UK dealer Peter Tyson

Also £269 at Sevenoaks. If you want to pay full price then it is still available at Richer Sounds for £319.
There is a new model coming out so sell off the old model. What is surprising?
There’s not been a suggestion that they’re retiring the Amp just because the Amp Pro is on the horizon, with maybe even an Amp/Ultra hybrid beyond that. We haven’t lost the Mini just because the Pro, Pro Plus and Ultra have come along. You could view the ranges as offering bronze, silver and gold models or however you want to label them…
Tell that to somebody who paid £319 last week.
I would. It’s as if there have never been sales in hi fi or any other sphere. That’s life…

They can always go back to the retailer and complain if their nose is out of joint…
There’s not been a suggestion that they’re retiring the Amp just because the Amp Pro is on the horizon, with maybe even an Amp/Ultra hybrid beyond that. We haven’t lost the Mini just because the Pro, Pro Plus and Ultra have come along. You could view the ranges as offering bronze, silver and gold models or however you want to label them…
I would be surprised if they carried on manufacturing both. Same power rating and probably very similar sound.
Tell that to somebody who paid £319 last week.
I'm blowing this statement out of proportion, but standing in line behind customers demanding to "talk to the manager" to complain that they didn't get this week's discount last week (or last week's discount this week) probably ranks among my top 10 most unpleasant experiences in shops. If everyone gets a discount, there is no discount.
The silver version is now 10% off on Audiophonics.fr, too:

the announcement by wiim of an upcoming pffb version of the amp was "a funny thing" for the future and distribution of the current "amp"...
we all obviously thought about it...