WiiM app - Out of home control / 4G connectivity


Jul 8, 2023
Our WiiM amp is set-up with our outdoor Garden speakers in the loft and works great most of the time, though occasionally as we're moving around the garden Wi-Fi drops on our phones (The Amp is still connected to Wi-Fi and the internet) - Spotify Connect keeps on playing, so initial music continuity is OK, though re-connecting to the WiiM amp app doesn't work and after around 30 mins Spotify connect stops.

Any thoughts if WiiM have plans on making the Amp less dependant on the apps device Wi-Fi connection via the internet, like lots of other home devices ?
..., though re-connecting to the WiiM amp app doesn't work and after around 30 mins Spotify connect stops.
This part sounds a little strange to me. If the WiiM Home app really couldn't connect to the WiiM Amp at all, Spotify should continue to play forever (at least if you kept automatic playback of similar content enabled).

Either some kind of communication does happen (but just not sufficient to initiate some new playback) or Spotify stopping after 30 minutes happens for some other reason in both cases I'm not sure how anything would help, but better connectivity. Looks like the Amp does just OKish in this regard.