WiiM cache folder on an external USB?.

Aug 19, 2023
I have been tinkering with an external USB drive by adding files over a period of time ie, connecting and disconnecting to add more files. When I reconnect, the new files are not recognised and rescanning does not seem to work ( A known problem I believe ). The only thing that seems to work is delete the cache folder on the drive then do a full rescan which gets a bit tedious😪. Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to a solution!. Please no comments like " Load all the files in one hit ".
There is another indexing related fix in the latest WHA update which may help.

I'm not proposing this as a solution, but I wonder if you could use MiniDLNA to build the files.db and cache folder. At least this way you'd get some logging!
You'd obviously need to make sure that file paths are the same and rename the cache folder e.t.c.

If rescanning doesn't work then I'm not sure there's much you can do.

If the latest WHA update doesn't help make sure you send feedback through the WHA.