Wiim Pro coax output issues.


Active member
Apr 12, 2023
Started getting intermittent drop outs from my Pro last week. It has gradually gotten worse, so I decided to trouble shoot yesterday.
I checked ethernet cable by switching to Wi-Fi, swapped coax cables, fed my dac with another coax source. Then finally switched to optical out from the Pro and there was no issues.
So, the old Pro has developed a open connection probably where the coax jack is connected inside. Maybe I will try opening it up and take a look.
I think my Pro is faulty.
I cast microSd files from a Sony NW A306 to the WiiM pro, then COAX out to a Chord Qutest to an Audiolab 7000A.
I get corruption on certain 24 bit FLAC files.
When I cast from the same Sony/microSD to a Chord Poly/Mojo2 to the amp, there are no issues.(No WiiM Pro in the chain.)
Looking at Other streamers looks pricey.
I bought the unit in july 2023 but for the life of me, cannot find the receipt or recall where I sourced it.
May try a Pro Plus and repurpose this as a mid-fi line out for casual use.
I really like the app, cannot imagine better.
Well, I have to admit, my Pro was not the problem . I had swapped out everything except my one month old dac, which I couldn't believe was the culprit.
I finally swapped it out for another one from another system, and the stuttering went away. So after many emails back and forth with the dealer through Amazon, I downloaded the latest firmware that seems to have fixed the problem with that dac.
Apparently it was a bandwidth input issue it developed after thirty days.
So, it's back in the system and running fine with the Pro for the past four days.

So if you're using a separate dac, and start having drop outs , check out the dacs firmware, the problem is not nessecerily the cheap Wiim Pro.
Topping D70 Pro Sabre, the manual actually has a solution that supposedly addresses that issue.
But since the new Dac had no bandwidth issues for thirty days, I didn’t think it was the problem.
Thanks WiiM.
MConnect on Android now talking nicely to the Pro.
Next target is the skipping during FLAC track playback on VLC Android.
No mean feat as I suspect the Sony Android DAP is a glitchy device....very slow, and also has a dangerous sound volume issue with Audioquest dragonfly DAC.