I have just had to delete the details for my server and enter them again and I can now see my DSD files (.dsf) on my Wiim Pro.
Prior to this I could not, maybe try this.
Hello everyone, I'm new to Wiim and installed my Pro Plus yesterday.
I noticed the elapsed time is kinda laggy on the Android app, like updated every 5 seconds after being reopened.
Is it a known issue? Is there a workaround?
In fact I can see and play now DSD files (thanks Wiim Team) from my NAS via DLNA but I can't see the same files or play them via Samba.
Is there any conversión? I just put 2 screenshots same file from Wiim app and Uapp app so you can see the info showed
Screenshot_20240721_182239_WiiM Home.jpg
290.3 KB
· Views: 23
Screenshot_20240721_182244_USB Audio Player PRO.jpg
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